
My boyfriend just broke up with me in a text?

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Okay we've been together for quite some time but- Just now he broke up with me saying "This is really hard for me to do but I'm breaking up with you" and I was upset but I said "Okay.. sure. But y?" and he told me he's looking for an asian girl (he's Japanese) I was okay with that because I kinda understood y. Then all of the sudden he started calling me a spoiled brat and a selfish ***** - and he told me he never liked me- and just a few weeks ago he was BEGGING for me to get back w/ him, and we've been together for a year! So I asked him if he was using me and he told me he doesn't have to tell me anything. I am so Upset and I feel my heart broken. What can I do to forget about him???




  1. Japanese men aren't always the most outwardly sensitive types. v_V If you get through their outer layer, they can be really great. Maybe I"m biased because I'm Asian and I was...technically engaged to a half Japanese half Chinese guy but really...Asian men expect you to take note of little things and to figure out logically when something is upsetting them. I find this more with Japanese men actually so maybe you didn't understand him and he suddenly took it out on you in a very mean manner. Don't ever let a guy cuss at you dear...that was wrong.

    To forget him, just hang out a lot with your friends and keep yourself busy all the time. Maybe you should find a new boyfriend too just to help yourself be more at ease. I advise that the next time you date inter racially, you find out more about the culture so you can understand them better.

  2. He's confused.  Play hard to get.  Ignore him for a while.  He'll be back.

  3. Cheer up, forget him. He was just using you. I hope you will learn from this mistake and dont ever repeat it. They are all out to use and abuse and dump and get experience. People who want to use u just dump them. Those who are really good friends wont rush you into getting physical. So beware. Now cheer up and pull yourself together and be strong. Smile, join a dance class, jog in the park, and keep busy so you dont have time to morn and ruin your life. He is not worth it. Get busy, you are the Best always.There are tons of better guys out there so smile and talk to them and make new friends. Its not the end of the world.

  4. Wow,hun, don't be heart broken hes a loser he broke up with you in TEXT!!!

    EDIT: Lol, Squeak Squeak has the video to these lyrics. I love Kelly!

    Heres a little song that I love~

    you couldn't do it in person

    you had to text message break up

    you f*ck up

    oh my god i wanna throw up

    you couldn't even spell break right!


    that's in your car dummy!

    and i'm not gonna take this disgrace

    i'll be like mace in you face on my space

    just you wait till you read the s**t

    on you i'm gonna blog about

    you like text so much?

    how much you like it now?

    you can't text message break up! (x3)

    after 2 years?

    you can't text message break up! (x3)

    get a clue

    i'll go alanis morissette on you

    i'm gonna blog and text and post and hoax

    podcast your b@stard *** from coast to coast

    my ex bf is a cyber space coward

    and he plays with his a$$hole in the shower

    im gonna tell all my girlfriends how bad the s*x was

    i'm p1ssed like president bush

    would be in a g*y parade in texas

    im gonna spit until you s**t

    if you don't like it you can l**k my ******* cl1t

    for once

    you can't text message break up!

    oh my god!

    you can't text message break up!

    i mean we got a dog!

    you can't text message break up!

    you still owe me 1, 200 dollars s**t bag!

    you can't text message break up!

    string up a stag!

    you can't text message break up!

    i want all my stuff back!

    you can't text message break up!

    get a clue

    no just let the clues be lost

    f!ck you d!ck

    i can't believe he did that

    what a f*cking douch3 bag why can't he figure it out

    what a loser i mean jesus

    if you ever did that on the phone i would

    what? are you kidding me?

    you're never gonna get laid in this town again you loser!

    you're an a$$

    go f*ck yourself you piece of s**t

    i can't believe that c**p

    i'm gonna send that guy a douch3 bag in the mail

    i'm gonna use the same weapon against you

    cause i can type too

    ex bf forever!!!

    you're my ex bf forever!

    LOL <3

  5. go partying with your girlfriends, meet some new cute guys, hook up with one nice one, get to know him, and make sure your old boyfriend see's what a great time your having. he has no right to call you those harmful words, he's just a jerk who is unsure of what he wants. forget him! he's never going to have a sucessfull relationship if he acts like this!, and you will because you seem like quite a sensable person :) (L) just remind yourself that you DO NOT need him to be happy :)

    hope i helped :) (L)

  6. Aww I'm sorry. That guy is such a wuss. Forget about him. There are tons of guys better than him!

    Here is a video that hopefully will cheer you up a bit:

    The first two and a half minute is a short skit. Just skip to 2:38 if you just want to hear the music only.


    It's the same song that the girl above me typed.

  7. Forget about him.

  8. go away somewhere warm and sunny. lie in the sun and read. go and get pampered. just relax and who knows, you might just meet mr perfect at the beach.

    your ex-bf is totally not worth it. he's obviously a loser that isn't worth your time and space. just ignore him

  9. He sounds like a freak.

  10. He's a real a*****e! don't ever come in contact with him! you don't' deserve to be treated like that!!

  11. I guess you did something that he doesn't like and he can't stand you any longer. Talk to him over it and ask for forgiveness. Surely, he'll come back to you and might even apologize for breaking up with u.

  12. what an a*****e! whenever you think about the good times, think about the bad times instead and tell yourself you're way better off without someone who treats you like that

  13. Two words-- MAN w***e!!

  14. tell him he needs help and your too good for someone like him

  15. find some1 else and move on

  16. He sounds like a jerk.  You deserve someone better.  Just take a break from dating - it's the best way to get over a serious relationship.  Focus on yourself and I guarantee things will get better.

  17. Keep yourself busy and hang out more with the ones who really love you.

  18. Hes a complete jerk for breaking up with you over a text

    And plus. you sound wayyyyyy to good for him anyway.

    Hes an idiot.

    Simply go out with some girlfriends and boy hunt.

    Find someone and shove it in his face.

    Make sure you actually like the new person 2 otherwise if you break up you'll look bad.

    Good Luck!

  19. He's confused, insecure, etc.. Just all-around immature, really.

    It seems like he was playing a teenage girl style game with the break up thing, where he actually wanted you to try to talk him out of it or something and became angry when you didn't magically read his mind.

    Just distance yourself (and let him grow up, first, if you intent on giving him another chance). As far as how to get over him.. girl, if I knew of a way to help someone get over a relationship quickly, I'd be a billionaire. No such things exists.. it's just going to take some time. Surround yourself with friends and family who care about you, and don't let him talk **** to you anymore.. you'll be fine.

  20. my dear friend, i have been through many emotions like this, my one and only bit of adivce i can give you from my own experience is " Time is a wonderfull healer, just give it time and it will lessen your pain away day by day"  

  21. i remember a while ago when i was with my ex,everytime he'd break up with me i'd be devastated and want him bak, basically beg him to get bak with me, and then i'd break up with him later, n he'd beg me to get bak with him...

    this is how it happens. its his ego that was speakin when he was 'begging' you to get back again with him, not him actually wanting to get back. im sorry sweetie but thats the truth, and yes it sucks but the guy's got a lot of pride, and he feels better being the one to break up with you.

    this could be the reason for 'i didnt like  you', i kno ur heartbroken, but now all u gotta do is move on. unless u wanna get bak n be the one to break up with'd help u get over him faster, trust me lol.

    but at the end of the day, u gota protect only urself, and live for urself, cos aint there no body out there who will die for you, except for family. be smart about this, and tell yourself that ur going to get over him, forget him, ur stronger than u think, and u have the power to move on.

    but for now, go out, have fun, i always feel that when i'm alone i tend to do alot more thing about things...which right now is not good for me, so i prefer to go out, have fun with my gurls and just have a good time =). dance like theres no tomorrow and have fun as if this is ur last day. and always always keep smiling =) cos no guy is worth ur tears, and as cliche as it may sound, the one who is worth your tears wont ever do this to u!!!

    tc babe.

  22. hhe is what i call a p***y  

  23. Apparently it wasn't THAT hard for him to do....  And to be perfectly honest, breaking up via a text message qualifies him for an instant Loser-Card.  He's made it obviously clear you don't mean much to him.

    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to get over it other than just move on, like everyone tells you.  Spend more time with friends; that helped me a lot, and don't think that you have to be dating someone to be happy.  (That one kinda helped me...  It doesn't work that well... ;)  But I suppose it may help a bit...)

    It's tough, but everyone (well, mostly everyone) has to go through it at some point.  At least you weren't married or pregnant or something....  Just as long as you know, it could've been worse.

    Well, I really hope that helped....  BTW, talking to friends about it and venting works well too, but don't dwell on it too much.

    Good luck! :)


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