
My boyfriend keeps denying, what do I do??

by Guest45428  |  earlier

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I came over this email he has written to one of his exgirlfriends a few months ago talking about how he wants them to be together again. So I broke up with him telling that I dont trust him, now he keeps denying he has feelings for any other girl.

How can he look into my face and lie? or is it possible that Im making a mistake? I obviously can't tell him that I know about the email and I'm very hurt, what do I do?

Please be nice. I know many people lie...but he doesn't have to lie when I say I know you have other girls on mind, and I dont trust you and want to break up. Why would he keep lying?

Please be nice, Im very fragile and hurt at the moment.




  1. Remember that it's not a crime to talk to past associations. And what were you doing going through his email? That alone would send up a red flag to him that you don't trust him.

    Chalk this one up to experience and move on. There are more guys out there looking for you. You just have to find them.

  2. Why are you even asking?????  You've already broken up, you say.

    THERE IT IS!!!   You certainly DON"T want to take him back - he's a liar!!!

    Why he does it???  Doesn't matter.  Maybe he's denying it himself, maybe he's just playing around, either on you or them.   Whatever the reason,  HE'S NOT THE ONE AND YOU NEED TO STOP SEEING HIM!!!!!

    Girl, we choose who to be with.  Don't be a dumb girl and give yourself all these reasons that you're in the wrong and you should give him another chance.  He's proven he can't be trusted.

  3. Sorry to hear that. He's obviously betrayed your trust, but everyone deserves a second chance. Careful, ONLY a second chance, a third does not exist. You have to let him know that you are willing to let him go (which you've already done) or else what do you have on him? Nothing. He wants you back so obviously you've been doing something right as the girlfriend. Make sure he knows what he did was unforgivable BUT you're forgiving him. Let it go COMPLETELY, do not MENTION it, do not USE IT AS A LEVER. Don't annoy him with it, just firmly tell him once that you are being the bigger person, then gradually make it a normal relationship like before. You can TRY to be extra cautious of his actions but don't let it show. Good luck with things

  4. sweety,you saw it with your own 2 eyes.  face it he wrote and you need to move on.  yes you can tell him about the email,it is your only proff.  see if you can find the email,and while it is on the screen tell him,how do you explain this?  

  5. You can either ignore his pleas and move on or tell him that you accidentally came across that email and know that he is lying.  He may have an explanation but either way, it sounds too shady to be reasonable.  

    Move on because you deserve someone who will treat you better than that.  Good luck and be strong!!!!

  6. im telling you this from experience....... when a man loves a woman he will never tell her anything to hurt her nor their relationship! its not unusual for a man to think about their ex........... he is wrong but you will just have to learn to trust him again!!! GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS

  7. circumstances sometimes don't side with us. give him a chance, i mean everybody deserves a second chance, right? just keep 1 thing in mind though, once he do it again, then it's a habit. thrash him like you don't care. that son*****tch deserves to die. liars go to h**l. sh*t.

  8. Well....the saying is you look for STUFF you'll find STUFF.  From my understanding you looked for something which means you have a lack of trust anyway.  If you just so happen to run across the email it wouldn't be a problem with you telling him that and letting him know what you found but it sounds that you were snooping.

    Trust is a very important factor in a relationship and without it you have nothing.  At this point you may as well tell him what you know and find a way to either move forward or move on.

  9. You did the right thing, and he's being very childish trying to cover his butt when you have evidence. He might be lying because he wants you back. It doesn't sound like you can trust him though. Good luck, hun *hug*

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