
My boyfriend left me, I'm pregnant, 35weeks 5 days gone. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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He said he'd support me with the pregnancy but he text me earlier saying it was over cause of distance [About 3 hours car drive], he's only at home at the weekend.




  1. I say...forget him! if he isnt willing to stay with u during this time than he isnt right for you! If I were you i would turn to someone you are close to like a parent or friend to help you through this. ;) hope this helps?

  2. Well to me it sounds like he is a complete waste of space and he is to keen on taking on that much responsibility yet. But i'm sure you are a strong intelligent girl. So what i think you should do is prove to him that you can do this by yourself and you don't need him. I'm sure your friends and family will support you threw this. And he is stupid for losing something as good as you. I hope it helped and if you dont mind me saying if he was a really good decent guy he would make the effort to see you and distance wouldnt be a problem.  

  3. s***w him.  It's not about the distance if he's been with you through it this far.  It sounds more like he's trying to get out of the whole commitment thing.  He's probably scared about the new baby that's coming, but it's not about him.  YOU are the one that's pregnant! He's a jerk!  Even if he comes back you're going to have to think long and hard before letting him back into your life because he'll think it's ok to come and go as he pleases and NO child deserves a parent that does that.  Do you have family and friends near you?  Get support from them instead.  Talk to them about what's going on and see what they think about the whole ordeal.  And don't forget that your ex will have to pay child support!  Good luck!  

  4. sounds like you'll be alright without the loser just stay focused on your new blessing and try to keep busy whether it's working or preparing for the baby just believe you are not the only person who's going through the same thing I wish you the best

  5. I am so sorry. Just forget him and try to get all the child support you can.

  6. well it sounds to me like he was looking for an excuse out.  I say go after him for all the child support you can get out of him!!!!

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