
My boyfriend lives here but came from Egypt and would like his mother to come to America but she got denied?

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My boyfriend lives here but came from Egypt and would like his mother to come to America but she got denied her visa. Is there anything as an American citizen that I can do to help her come here just to visit or possibly live?




  1. No, you have no relation whatsoever to his mother in the eyes of the law.

  2. No

  3. You can try to contact an immigration lawyer on her behalf. (Your boyfriend may have to do it...but you can be his moral support.)

    I am sure that there are things that can be done. All is not gloom and doom. Seek legal advice. There may be something small you are missing. A form might be misfiled or missing a signature or any number of things.

    type "immigration law" or "visitor visa" in a search engine and get some more advice.

  4. You are not an immediate blood relative, so you are completely out of the picture.  There's nothing you can do.

    You neglect to mention your bf's status here.  If he has become a US citizen, he can sponsor his mother if he can prove he can support her.  But non-citizens cannot sponsor immigrants.

    The same goes for her husband -- if he's a citizen and meets the requirements for sponsorship, he can sponsor her.

    It looks to me like son & husband are already here, but not even legal permanent residents.  With two relatives here but unable to sponsor, immigration is going to immediately suspect an illegal immigration scam, visa overstay or other shenanigans.  A doctor's note just makes things worse -- further grounds that she ain't gonna leave.

    She simply does not meet the qualifications of the ordinary tourist coming for a brief vacation or holiday, and has no one to sponsor immigration, and she is not qualified for other classes of temporary visas.  Your bf and his father are starting to look a bit dubious, too.  Be careful, very careful, and protect yourself -- starting by staying strictly out of this mess.

  5. Sorry, but there is nothing you can do to help.  There is no blood relationship or marriage involved.

  6. Tell her to tell immigration she's a mexican-they'll let her right in

  7. the only way you could help is to marry him otherwise hes the onely one who can do anything but as far as i know she needs to file for a visa herself  she might have not had enough evidence for her returning there..... money house cars jobs ect...

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