
My boyfriend mum has just died,what is he entiteld to??

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my boyfriend's mu has just died,he's 21,and lives in a council house with her,he has to pay for the funeral and all her bills,has anyone got any advice where he could get help,she was ill for a while and didnt work,he has to pay 6grand to keep the mobility car,is there anyway sum1 can help??




  1. I think the d.s.s. will pay for the funeral if she was on benefits - he doesnt have to pay for it if he doesnt have enough money - go straight to the d.s.s. and find out.

  2. see a lawyer... and she should have left a willl....

    but no, definitly see a lawyer.. the are the only people tht can really help.

  3. Talk to a lawyer. That's probably your best bet.

  4. Talk to a lawyer.

    She just died ,you could let the ground settle first before finding out what he's "entitled" to though.

  5. He needs to contact social service and dept of benefits to see what they can do. I have known of situations where when someone dies and the family cannot afford a funeral then social services will help you to get the money from the state.

    I am sorry for his loss.

    Did she leave a will? Hope she did.

    If he is not disabled then I would think the mobility car would be taken away? As for the council house it depends if his Mother had his name on the rent book?

    Go and speak to citizens advise too.

    21 is a young age to loose a mum.

  6. you are so lucky.  i wish my husband mom would did quicly.  of course we would not get anything,  the ***** is still using my ******* van.

  7. Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau, and get a free apoointment with a solicitor.

  8. It will depend upon if she has left a will or not

    If she has not left a will and he is the only child and there is no husband he will inherit

    If he has any brothers and sisters they will all inherit if there is no will.

    See a lawyer because you he will also presumably want to stay on in what is his home  

  9. It is upto his mother's family to pay for the funeral, though if they are all on low incomes and his mother was too, they may get help from the DSS.

    The car is on a lease purchase agreement, so it is not her car to bequeath. They either return it or buy it.

    If she had no will (more than likely not, seeing she had no property) all her money and goods technically belong to her oldest child, who should divide them amicably and fairly to the family.

    If she made a will, she is entitled to omit any of her children who are not financially dependent on her.

    Most councils allow a transfer of tenancy from the deceased to the son, so long as he was living in the house, and is at their discrestion, not a legal right.

  10. I presume the mobility car belonged to his mum. If he wants to take over the contract or loan then I'm afraid he has to pay.

    As a relative and next of kin he has to pay the funeral expenses. Maybe other members of the family might contribute. If he has no, or little money, he can get a funeral grant from the DHSS.

  11. It depends what is in the will.

  12. Tell him to go get a job as the gravy train just grinded to a halt.  You can give him so many if you like but this is one of lifes greatest lessons.  There are no free lunches!

  13. Candice - Ed's answer is accurate here.  As soon as he feels up to it, get him to contact the local council and consult with the Citizens Advice bureau if he can't afford a lawyer.

    I can see that you are really trying to support him and not being greedy as one or two repies suggest.

    Good Luck to you both and be strong for him.  x

  14. He doesnt have to pay anything to the mobility company you simply inform them of her death and they take the car back :)

  15. Your best move is to give your local citizens advice a bell they´ll have the info you´ll need. B-LUCKY

  16. 1 send the car back to motability... presuming hes got legs and the use of them.

    2 the DSS have a fund to help pay for funeral arrangements

    3 tell him to get everything changed over as soon as; ie benefits etc, or he'll be getting the bills... (council tax / rates etc)

    4 goto your local money advice centre; they'll sort out her affairs, and offer what assistance they can.

    and hes entitled to a shoulder to cry on, and someone to listen...

    ive been where he is; and all i can say is, it will get better, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and its NOT the 4.40 to doncaster...  

  17. What does he need a mobility car for? Tell the company his mother has died and they will take it back. You can always have a basic burial. But at least wait till she's had her funeral before finding out what his entitled too. Jeez.

  18. Grief is all he's entitled to, go to the local council to find out her status and any further advice they can give you.

    He doesn't have to pay to keep the car, he can return it, if it was her mobility car then he has no claim to it or must pay the outstanding amount, it's common sense.

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