
My boyfriend never graduated from highschool. He got one of them fake ged certs off the internet

by  |  earlier

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He paid $75.00 for it. Here is the problem. He got a job offer and they are doing a background check on him. They cant find him listed in ohio for getting a ged. He now has to fax a copy of the certifacate to them. It is fake. Once they get a copy of this will they just accept it or will they find out it is a fake. The job is a $8.00 a hr un armed security job. I dont even see why they care. He has no criminal record or anything like that.




  1. It's not real.  If he doesn't like the specifications for the job then too bad.  If he was smart he might spend the time and resources to get a real GED rather than try to fake it his whole life.  Sounds like a loser yourself.

  2. NO CRIMINAL RECORD???????? Um... He HAS A FAKE GED....

    He may get one soon... Tell him that he should go to McDonalds.. Oh wait THEY won't take him either.... Hum...Nope Dunno. To bad so SAD!

  3. They are doing a background check to see how honest he is.  When he faxes this "diploma" over, they will continue their background search, and when they realize he never got his high school diploma or GED he will be out of luck.

    Sorry when you ask stuff from people over the internet you are bound to get harsh statements.    

  4. I agree with Fishman! I think that he should go back to school and get a GED and then go on even further and get a college degree. You can't tell me he can't do it. If I can do it anyone can. I am a single mom who works 40+ hours a week and also goes to college full time. If I can find time, he can find time to do the same. They have funding to assist with people that have a lower income. If your boyfriend does not qualify then he can still take out student loans that he can pay back after school. My suggestion is for him to do the right thing and earn a real degree.  

  5. Because if he's willing to lie about being educated, then he's willing to steal from the company instead of protecting it is what the hiring manager will think.  He should get a real GED, a lot of places background check anymore.  I mean- its really not that difficult to pass the GED if he ever paid attention at all in school.

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