
My boyfriend of 16 years want to have a baby i have my tubes tied and he have no kids now he want a baby?

by  |  earlier

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when i had my 4th baby in 1993 i decided to get my tubes tied and now my boyfriend want a baby of his own he raised my 4 and now my kids are grown 2 in college 2 in high school he's a good man and work hard but i feel that I'm to old I'm 39 i look 25 thank god for that i'm in good health i weight 135lbs my height is 5'1 what should i do about this




  1. if you want to do something really special for him you can talk to a doctor about reversing the sergery or you can take one of your eggs and put it in another womans body artificully insiminate it and she carry your child/ren but that will cost alot of money

  2. my question bc im nosy would be if hes that committed why arent you married?

    if you want to look into the surgery i dont blame him for wanted to carry on his own dna.

  3. 39 is not to old to have a baby.  Especially since it is not your first child.  The real question is do you want to have another baby?  If you don't, just be upfront and honest with him.  If it's something that you will consider, speak with your doctor about getting a reversal on your tubes.

  4. maybe this will help----->

  5. First you need to decide whether or not you want to pursue this . . . you may want to consult a counselor for you and your partner.

    If you do opt to give it a try, you need to consult a doctor to see whether or not a tubal reversal is possible ...if not you need to have your eggs checked to see if they are still good quality for an IVF cycle.  

    Either option is going to expensive, emotionally and physically tough . . . so be sure to do your research and know what you are getting into.

    Good luck

  6. You are NOT too old! My mom had a very similar situation. She was 40 and married to a man who had never had kids of his own. She already had 3 kids of her own but didn't think it was fair to him to take away his chance at being a biological father. They tried and tried and she eventually got pregnant but sadly miscarried. But the point is .. there is nothing wrong with having a baybee at your age! You're HARDLY old! I've even worked with people who had kids at the age of 45. Don't sweat it .. if it's what you both want .. I say go for it!

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