
My boyfriend owes me $200 from a trip we booked to the bahamas and I don't know how to ask for it back. ?

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We booked a vacation online and the site wouldn't let us split the cost evenly, so i put the bigger amount on my credit card, which was a mistake, apparently. My boyfriend said he would pay me back, and I've been expecting him to just write me a check, but he hasn't.

I love him, and I know he isn't doing it intentionally- he is just forgetful and waits till the last possible minute to do everything. We're supposed to go in December, and I think he might be expecting me to wait for the money he owes me (which is $170) until then. Problem is, his credit card bill was only $633 for the trip, while mine is over $900 because of the difference.

I'm not especially hurting for the money, but not having it makes me anxious. I want everything to be settled and I want to balance my checking account, and not just think of the money there in the abstract.

The other thing is, I feel weird asking him for it because when we go out, he tends to pay for more dinners, movies, etc., though it's usually only like a 60-40 or 70-30 difference, and he does it because he's chivalrous and old-fashioned.

Should I just forget about it? How do I bring this up? I've tried bringing up the trip, and asking whether he's gotten his bill yet, how I'm going to have a high credit bill and it's stressing me out, etc., and he's not picking up my subtle signs.

I would really like him to just repay me, but niether of us has any intention breaking up, and it's not to the point where it's stressing our relationship or antyhing yet, though I could see it going there.

What should I say?




  1. "I'm not especially hurting for the money, but not having it makes me anxious. I want everything to be settled and I want to balance my checking account, and not just think of the money there in the abstract."

    Tell him what you told us. He won't be hurt. You love eachother =) Like you said...he has just remind him.

  2. well, i know my girlfriend would never ask for it back, because i pay for everything when we go out, and she leaps at any opportunity to pay for stuff....but i wouldn't be at all offended if she said ''oh i need that $170 form the holiday cost some time this month, is that ok?''

    so either be direct, or forget about it.  

  3. Just say..."John...I received my credit card bill and I was wondering if you can give me the $200.00 I laid out for our trip. I really need it to pay my card balance."

  4. bring it up at dinner that he still owes you

  5. Don't say anything- u guys are going away together- when u go down there im sure hes gonna buy you dinners and stuff.  I would just leave this alone- if u say anything you are going to look very cheap.  

  6. Be matter of fact;

    Bring out the trip pictures - then...

    Hey, by the way... I need to pay my credit card bill from the trip...when are you planning to give me the $200?

  7. first of all, the man should pay for the whole trip, it is just comen since!!! if it were me i would let it go, and if yall get in a fight or he dose that again bring it up and confront him about it!!!

  8. I would have him pay for the meals and extras that should even it out. Try just simply telling him about it.

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