
My boyfriend "forgets" to buy condoms?

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I do tend to leave it up to him to buy condoms but then when things are hot he jokes "pull the condom out of my pocket" but there is none there so we can't have s*x and he gets aroused easily with me but why does he "forget" all the time, very frequent now.

And can a guy have a hard on but NOT be horny because he tells me he isn't when it's clear he is. We used to get freaky twice or more a week and now it's every 2 weeks, I don't get it.

We both have stress with school and work which makes him feel tired a lot so maybe this is why and he said he's been feeling depressed lately so I am assuming that is it. We have been dating for a year and are in love. He' tells me one day he wants to start a family with me and all but I don't think he does RIGHT NOW we aren't done with college yet.

Help Please, thanks ... any experiences or kind opinions are welcomed.




  1. he is cheating,  he wants you to marry but he has another to bed right now,

    sorry I just know I am a grandma and a mother

    knew my son's friends when he was growing up, used to supply condoms to them because they were too cheap to pay for them and immature

  2. I dont know about the third paragraph's question, or the seconds..

    but the first is obvious... you buy one.  Then say "better yet, Ill pull one out of your ear"  then do that silly magic trick.  lol.

  3. i know plenty of men who are not comfortable with buying condoms. i guess it's embarrassing. although i don't understand how showing the cashier that you are a mature, sexually active person who is doing all they can to "play it safe" is embarrassing. oh well. but you may need to just go out and buy them yourself. i'd suggest getting a big box of them. more economical.

    as for the hard on and not being horny. haven't you ever heard of morning wood? although you may be frisky in the morning and wanting to be all over it. it's probably only up because that's just how the male body functions. men can get hard ons at the blink of an eye for no apparent reason besides that his p***s wanted to get up and take a stretch. believe me if it was stress related, it probably wouldn't be getting up all that easily.

  4. i know what you mean but yes my boyfriend does the same thing he'll be hard but not horny like in the morning they wake up hard but because they have to pee. but it could just be that maybe he wants to do it without the protection maybe try something different if you haven't done it before but i'm sure he doesn't mean now with the kids and maybe the reason the s*x has slowed down is because of work and school. maybe try and set the mood maybe a full body massage to ease the tension and loosen him up ya know do something for him you know turns him on. but good luck

  5. Is he doing any drugs? like street or prescription? That will definitely effect his s*x drive

  6. let me tell you

    i get boners for absolutley no reason. i could be doing a math exam and only thinking of it and get hard, i dunno why.

    unless he wants s*x, and asks for it, he doesnt want it at that moment.

  7. Sounds like his s*x drive is much lower than yours... or he's cheating.

    When a guy really wants to have s*x, he wont forget to buy condoms, trust me... besides, most schools and colleges give out free condoms at the health center.

  8. Maybe he's hoping you'll be horny enough to be willing to forgo the condom.  I personally don't expect my lovers to buy condoms in case they don't follow through.  Instead, I buy the condoms.  I keep them on my nightstand and a couple in my purse.  That way, I know for a fact there's no excuse to not use a condom.  Of course, with my current lover, we are fluid bonded and do not need condoms though we use them most of the time anyway.

  9. maybe you should buy the condoms instead.

    or just ask him what's going on and tell him about how he has been acting different

  10. Have condoms available for you. Just tell him  No tickee no washee otherwise

  11. buy the condoms woman. Did oyu know over 60 % of women normally suply them? Should be buy your tampons? Just buy your own jesus.

  12. He doesn't forget, He wants to get you pregnant. Look if someone tells you they want a family and never bring condoms when ya'll have s*x, isn't the answer obvious? Anyways I hate to break it to you but your bf sounds like a loser. I mean, ya'll have been dating for a year, are in college, and he wants to start a family? No decent looking young male I know wants to start a family or be with a girl that long and I'm in college too. Go out there and have fun, trust me you have all the time in the world once your in your late 20's to start one. You only have to get pregnant once and its a lot harder to get a degree while you have a baby.

  13. You are being irresponsible by not having protection because getting pregnant is so easy. Plus, you're in college. Do you know how hard it is to have a child and go to school and work to support yourself and the baby?

    Protect yourself and make an appointment with your doc with family planning so that you can get your college completed.

  14. ummm keep a pack of comdoms in your dresser  

    idk lol

  15. Well He may not like the way a condom feels during intercourse but I wonder how he feels about changing diapers for three years. You could have a hard on without being horny in the morning men should wake up with a hard p***s due to bloodflow. Stress can be a major issue in not feeling very intament so what I suggests for the both of you is actually planning alone time to have s*x I know it sounds lame but planning it actually will give you guys both something to think about when stressed and can actually make it even better because you both will be thinking of the moment it gets to take place. Anyway good luck to the both of you I do hope you guys both plan the whole family thing and it doesn't just happen.

  16. Just cause he has a hard-on doesn't mean he is horny, you will really have to trust me on this one.

  17. I would recommend buying condoms for you guys. Or you could go on birth control, which is 99% effective as long as they are taken at the same time everyday, and just forget the condoms.

    In my experience with my fiance, if he's hard he is definitely horny and wants to have s*x.

    But, stress can cause people to lose their desire and he may be having issues. Work and school can make you very stressed out and tired.

  18. if he doesnt buy condoms he obviously doesnt want to scunt, and if he doesnt want to scunt, then he must be g*y!

  19. Men can be physically aroused but not in the mood for s*x.

  20. Maybe he is embarrassed to buy condoms, lots of guys are.  

  21. ya guys can be hard without being aroused ... my 2 year old nephew woke up with a woodie ha ha

    well start keeping condoms in your purse or whatever and tell him he can just tell you when hes not in the mood insteed of making up a bunch of excuses

    have a talk with him about it its not like on tv where the guys always want some...its real life he isnt going to be in the mood all the time

    good luck

  22. You have two choices:

    1. buy the condoms

    2. no intercourse with him.

  23. He doesn't forget...he probably doesn't want to wear one and hopes you'll overlook that he doesn't have any. I suggest you buy a big box and keep 'em handy so there's no excuses.

  24. He's not forgetting to buy the condoms that is just an excuse. Try talking to him about what is really happening. Being depressed can greatly decrease your s*x drive so this could be part of it. Is he seeking help for his depression? It sounds like there is something going on and i think you need to talk about it with him so that you can overcome it.

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