
My boyfriend randomly just passed out when we were standing in line at subway. what caused this?

by  |  earlier

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we were standing in line and all the sudden i saw his head fall forward and hit the glass then i grabbed him and he started falling back his face was a little blue.. he fell to the ground and was knocked out for about 10 seconds.. i was screaming and bawling..i wanna no what caused this. he didnt wanna go to the hospital when the ambulance came.. he was a shivering cold for like 20 minutes when we got home.. the family doctor told him to go to the ER but it was an 8 hour wait and he didnt wanna wait. He kept saying he felt fine.. what do i do this has never happened to him ever... and hes my life.




  1. Yes, he may have been too hungry, and passed out from low blood sugar levels.  But the thing about his face turning blue means that he also wasn't breathing, and that's not typical for sugar levels.  

    If he's your life, then take it upon yourself to make sure and have a healthy snack with you at all times, like breakfast bars or something, so that between times, if you and he wait too long to eat, that you have something available.  Also, again, if he's your life, then don't take his word for this "I feel fine" business, that's just machismo, you see to it that he gets medical attention.  Yes, I know it seems like you're babying him, and you are not his mommy, but women have had to do this sort of thing for their men longer than you can imagine.  Take charge of things, when you think he's sick.  An 8 hour wait at emergency is a lot less INconvenient than permanent disability or dying.

  2. its probably not serious if its never happend before. he could be diabetic and not know it. and his blood suger dropped.

    Had he eated anything that day? it could be fatigue

  3. Interestingly, standing for prolonged periods of time with your knees locked... especially if it was hot or if he hadn't eaten recently (making his blood sugar low)... can lead to fainting for no reason. You used to see it in the military a lot with troops standing at attention... until commanders realized what was going on and took appropriate action to prevent it.

    In general, when you are doing a lot of standing around, it's a good idea to move your legs occasionally to work the leg muscles.

    Still, he should get a check up just to make sure there is nothing else going on. Obviously, since we here on Y/A weren't there, we can't appropriately evaluate the situation.

  4. If you were at subway then i assume you were hungry, it could have been caused by this. This happened to me before when i was really hungry my face apparentley also turned a bit blue and i just fell.


  5. Might be from hunger??


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