
My boyfriend said he is open about having s*x between parents and kids what do you think about his opinion?

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My boyfriend said he is open about having s*x between parents and kids what do you think about his opinion?




  1. Ew.

    Ah well he's not my bf so no worries lol j/k

    But you need to seriously talk to him about life and morality

  2. NOPE thats what the crib is for  inants can be close and thier just liltle ones so put them im a crib too sleep as you can go about you business  rite you cant realy go for the little time you got  and well roll em off the bed or something   get a sitter wud be best  

  3. Are you kidding me? This guy is still your boyfriend? Why dont you up and have kids with him. Maybe you can hold them down while he rapes them!

    I think he should be in jail. You should just get your tubes tide and not contaminate the gene pool.

  4. I think he would suddenly be an EX-boyfriend. You can't be seriously in love with the perv. Think about the trust level when you have kids? I would think he might rape my child.

  5. I think it's FAR too open. It is against every single moral code and reasoning.

  6. OMG.

    This is like this book i read....

    Make sure that you get him some help.

    Or dont have kids with him cause otherwise h emight you know...



    dont let that happen.

  7. noooo thats wrong

  8. Get him some help NOW!!!!!

  9. he is going to mad shortly, ask him if his parents have s*x infront of him then what will be his reaction ??

    this is not good

  10. WHAT? I hope this is fake, if not he has some issues or he has been abused or something is not right in his upbringing

  11. Err... wow.

    I think that's disgusting.  

  12. He's a sick man. Dump him

  13. is he as responsible and thoughtful as woody allen?  there should be some sort of test for open minded people, to see if they're smart enough.

  14. what did he mean "open"? he should get some help but i´d say for your sake stay away

  15. Gross, Gross, Gross and sick !!! You need a new BF. Any normal guy wouldn't even consider something like this at all. If this happened all I can say is Jail Time, Jail Time, Jail Time for the parent.

  16. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1- you gone

  17. It's hard to believe this question is for real ,,,, If he's admitted to being open minded about this then he's most likely engaged in this sort of thing already ,,,, This line of thinking and practice will be passed down to his children and so on ,,,, If he has no problems about s*x with parents and children then he's most likely a good candidate for being a pedophile ,,,, That could get him at least 7 years in prison with having to register as a class 1 s*x offender each year for 10 years after he gets out of prison if he lives that long ,,,,  Incest is a practice that is totally taboo for many sound reasons ,,,, Incest is something that is practiced allot more than people would believe ,,,,  Inbreeding can produce seriously defective off spring if they don't die in the womb prior to birth ,,,,

    If this is truly his opinion then you need this guy like you need a broken leg ,,,, You need to get away from him and stay gone for good ,,,, The guy is sick and or demented ,,,, He could very easily wind up in serious trouble with consequences you wouldn't believe ,,,,  If you stay with him he could very easily take you down the tubes with him ,,,,

    I don't care what or how you feel about this guy but you need to drop him like you would a hot rock ,,,, There are all kinds of fish in the pond ,,,, There's some one out there for you some where ,,,, All you need to do is find him and he's most likely going to come problem and trouble free and have no sexual designs on his parents and or siblings ,,,,   //

  18. Omg thats is too far.. Thats dirty...

  19. he is wrong

  20. Time for some heavy counseling.

  21. thats sick.










  22. Well he was probably abused sexually when he was little so that could be why he thinks it -ok-. But you need a REALITY CHECK not only is it a sin but  its  against the law (S) ... like RAPE, INCEST, CRIME AGAINST A MINOR, NEGLECT, ABUSE ....AND LOTS MORE

    That goes for you and him if you ever see it, do it, or allow it and pretend you didnt see it. Just think of when you lost your virginity, why would you want to inflict any pain like that and worse ON any INNOCENT CHILD , especially your own. You should tell an officer or counselor or your priest or someone that can help him now because one day when you see the news about someones child was abducted raped and left for dead  your going to feel guilty that maybe if you wouldve told someone to get your bf help, than that innocent child wouldnt have suffered and died

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