
My boyfriend says he's NOT a geek..i beg to differ..prove me right?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend, adam, is quite literally the definition of geek. he is a nerd, but he denies it.

he enjoys playing video games such as "the legend of zelda" and "final fantasy.

whenever i am watching tv he INSISTS that we watch the history channel or the science channel.

he is taking like 3 science classes next year..(his senior year)

he likes to play with my six year old brothers transformers to figure out "how they work", and often makes comments on the terrible anatomy of the toy.

every tuesday he cant seem to sit still because he's so excited for wednesday: comic day. apparently this is the day all the new comics come in.

we were shopping last week and he saw one of his acquaintences and the entire 10 minute conversation they had was about comic books or "graphic novels"...every word, hold "hello" and "seeyadude"....

he can tell you anything you need to know about Marvel comics.

when we went to go see a movie together a month ago, he demanded that we see the new Hulk...he was quite literally twitching out of pure delight during the entire film...

whenever i cant get ahold of him, i simply go to Barnes and Noble and go straight to the "graphic novel" and scifi section. he is always there. ALWAYS.

he plays the synth.

he just sent me THIS instant msg:

adam (9:00:26 PM): so excited for the documentary thats comming on the history channel

adam (9:00:37 PM): its about chinas first emporer

when i say all of these things to you, i do not overexaggerate..not in the slightest bit...

please tell me if you think he is nerdy or not.

you can rate it 1-10, ten being ultra nerdy.

or you can just say yes hes a nerd or no hes not a nerd.

whatever works...






  1. I think that he sounds nerdy but in the cute way. Like not in the creepy way. The way i see it, you shouldn't care what others think of your boyfriend. I mean, they're not dating him. You are. And if they call him a nerd, who cares? He's your boyfriend and as long as you love him or if your not up to that stage yet, care for him and he does for you too, then that's all that matters. Thanks for the advice earlier! :]

  2. he does sound a lil nerdy prob. a 6 or 7 lol but i think its sorta cute u kno? lol nd  dont wrii. if u already kno hes nerdy then dont sweat it. if u keep on remind him he'll prob. feel bad lol. good luckk! =]

    answer mine?;...

  3. Point proven, probably an 8 or 9. I don't know how he can't be considered a nerd lol. I'm sure it's cute :D

  4. yes quite nerdy, but nerds can be hot :D

    and nerds are sometimes the coolest people to be with. :)

  5. 8

    but if u love him then why are you asking this??

    u love him for HIM and thats all that matters

    am i right :)

  6. White and NERDY

  7. yes, he does have a nerdy side to him lol. i would give him a solid 7.

    the good thing about that though is, nerds are a lot cooler these days, than they were years ago. he can deny it all he wants, but with all the things you listed, he would most definitely be stereotyped as a nerd in some sort of way.

    i personally think nerds are awesome. they are smart, funny, creative, and have an awesome imagination. he probably denies it because the name doesn't make him feel cool lol.

    i'm somewhat a nerd too. i can reformat computers, update RAM and video cards. i am a player moderator for a mmorpg. i love reality shows and documentaries. and i also happen to love all the zelda games, but only the very first old school final fantasy lol.

    let him know nerds are 'in' these days. he will be more opt to admit it :)

  8. he does sound pretty nerdy, but i think it's cute :-)

  9. lol, now that was funny, he's definately a 10 out of 10 on the nerdiness scale, and this is coming from one of the shortest 15 year-olds with glasses on the planet. Pz.

  10. if ur  HOT 2 if your not hes a 8

  11. Ummm 10, but I love marvel too, I am a girl though, and don't worry about this maybe he is afraid to admit that he is a nerd, excuse me, ultra nerd, no not quite right supercalifragilisticexpialidocious nerd, JKJKJKJK, it's great that you have a bf, but tell him that you guys should do things YOU wanna do every now and then!!!

  12. 9 of 10 hes pretty nerdy

  13. well if you think being nerdy is a bad thing then y r u arguing? i would say hes a 7 but who cares

  14. 10 very nerdy.

  15. Well, if you go by the stereotypical "nerd" idea...He does seem pretty far on the scale. Maybe a 8. Buut, he has a girlfriend. So how truely nerdy can he be? Haha, but at least he's smart and seems pretty sweet.

  16. haha, I have to agree with ya there, he seems pretttty nerdy, i'd say a 7. Though I too, play zelda, and i'm completely not a nerd. The history channel is a little much though haha.


  17. He sounds like a cutie but I would a 9 lol he does sound nerdy

  18. he sounds cute! totally my type! hes a 10 though, but i like nerdy people. lol

  19. 7    he is cool with you right.

    i have never seen a nerd with a girlfriend

  20. hehe thats cute. yes, he does sound VERY nerdy.

    does he play warcraft that would make him an ultra nerd.

  21. 8.5

    i agree he is a geek/nerd.

    but it sounds funny though.

    in a good way.

    one of my "friends" (i don't know if he actually classifies as a friend) is also a nerd. he has glasses and his teeth r kinda crooked, whenever we ask him if he's gonna get braces he always sez "someday". =P he isn't into comic books like ur boyfriend is. he calls me sometimes 4 no apparent reason at all, or when he does have a reason, it isn't a very good one. =[ whenever he replies one of my emails it's always this



    or something like that.

    and if i tell him not 2 reply it he sez this


    aah nerds r kinda frustrating sometimes

    but who can change them?

    UPDATE: oh yeah this question wuz funny.

    especially the instant message things.


  22. my boyfriend is exactly like this play zelda wow and other games - i wouldnt call him nerdy its the way he is and i love him - if you dont like his nerdy ways then find someone who suits the bill.

    Mine also is forever trying to figure out how things work and it doesnt annoy me and its quite entertaining some days

    Mind you he has aspergers and it practically the way their brains run


    email me if you want to no more:

  23. 10 =) But that's a good thing. Better than one of those jerky jock boyfriends that cheat with all the cheerleaders. The nerds are hot. I wish there were more of them because I'm obsessed with superheroes and science, too. XD

  24. oh he is definately the nerdliest!!! haha maybe a 300!!! but he seems cute! hahaha

  25. he sounds nerdy but his nerdiness sounds  a dork i love dorks im pretyy dorky miself but im not school nerd just dork....

    woah chinas first emperor woah!!! i had the best time watching it in class....[history is the best[ nap time]] haha i drooled all over mi desk [:

  26. i wud rate him 9 ...

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