
My boyfriend smokes pot.what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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i love this guy more than anything..but when he starts smoking he totally ignores me and has nothing to do with me. and he also want stop talking to his ex girlfriend..whats up with that? i want it to all stop! help!




  1. Leave he is a loser. Sorry

  2. Ask him what he love more pot or you if he dose say he will quit start giving him a drug test every 2 weeks.

    Hope you work things out.

  3. He is putting her and his weed before you. That's called a clue where I come from. You need to find a man who will keep you where you deserve to be, and that's at the top of the list.

    Good luck!

  4. Well first of all don't just blame it on weed. It's not about choosing between him or weed. Why don't you sit down with him and explain how this is making you feel and see if you can come to a compromise. But just know just because someone is smoking weed they aren't becoming a bad person...these things are coming from the person, not the plant.

  5. have him make a choice.  you or pot.  kissing a smoker is like l*****g and ashtray.

  6. It's not the weed's fault. He's just an assh*le. Dump him.

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