
My boyfriend thinks i'm wrong...?

by  |  earlier

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My live in boyfriend and I have been ttc and every month i get my hopes up and then my period comes. I try not to get disappointed, but then i end up spending all day in bed crying and sleeping. This month though I been experiencing pregnancy symptoms. I should be getting my period today. And i always know when i get it, because i get cramps when it comes, but i have menstrual like cramps all week and as soon as i felt them i knew i was on my period, but i'm not. I'm hoping it won't start but my mind keeps telling me that i should be on it. My boyfriend is trying to convince me that i'm not pregnant so that i won't get depressed when my period comes, but i feel sure that i am pregnant. What should i do?




  1. If you do not start today, you should take a home pregnancy test in the morning, the first time you urinate.  Most home pregnancy tests can pick up the hormone (hcg) on the first missed day of your period.  I know that the tests say they can be taken at any time during the day and they can.  However, since it is your first missed day, i would suggest taking the test with your morning urine, when the hcg hormone will be most present.  And good luck.............

    From mom of a 10 yr old, baby on the way, after ttc for 6 years!!!

  2. What a sweet guy looking out for your feelings. Maybe take on tomorrow. I know it will be a disappointment if its a negative, but it could also be a positive! Or you could always wait a few days.

    Sending some baby dust ur way hun :)

  3. Take a test!  Sometimes you just know...  Good luck.

  4. I think at your boyfriend is doing his best not to protect you just in case your period comes. Why don't you try and forget about it (yes, I know it's impossible!) and imagine that it's going to come and then if it doesn't you'll be surprised and ELATED!!!

    Good luck.

  5. don't get your hope lol just incase but i say all ways trust your own body this week i was 98% sure i was pregnant also having them pains was due my monthly on thursday took the test wednesday as i was that sure and hey got my BFP this is my 5th pregnacy i have 3 boys and 1 miscarrige and i new everytime so if you are late take a test i really hope its a BFP for you hun xx

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