
My boyfriend told me he thinks i'm "the one" but i told him i am not sure yet...?

by  |  earlier

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he said he was okay with that and that he would wait as long as it took for me to get to that point, but it seems that i'm really hurting him. whenever i text him, he ignores it when he didn't used to. also, we had this big long talk about how he said he didn't feel appreciated. after the talk, he said he felt better, but he's still ignoring me. what should i do? i'm just not where he is right now... and i don't want him to get the wrong idea that i am when i'm not... but at the sametime, i still like him to a point and need more time to get to where he is. we've only been dating for a month, btw. someone help me.




  1. Tell him everything you just told us. If he doesn't understand and keeps ignoring you, that's his problem.

  2. You need time to get to where he is and if he doesn't respect that then maybe he isn't "the one" for you.  You need to sit him down and tell him how you feel and ask why he is acting the way he is.  It sounds like things are moving to fast if he thinks you are the one already and you have only been dating a month.  All I can say is talk to him, because you might start feeling what he feels you just need time.  But don't feel like you HAVE to feel the way he does because then its not true.

  3. Well tell him that you're ready and you think he's the one when you really are ready. If he really loves you, he will patiently wait.

  4. Just explain to him that he means a h**l of a lot to you, but your just not sure it's love yet.

    Tell him you can imagine falling in love with him, but you just havent got that far yet.

    Also tell him if he loves you he will be understanding and caring enough to wait patiently for you to get to that stage.

    hope this helps

  5. Yea, a month I think he is moving a  little to fast.  It makes me wonder why.  He may be trying to get in your pants.  Take it easy with this guy.  It takes time to figure out if someone is the one.  If he is ignores you then you know he's not the one.  I don't know how old you guys are but he sounds a bit immature.

  6. There is no way that he can know you're the one in a month!  Stop worrying about it at least YOU have your head on straight!  There is just no way a month isn't even enough time to get to know somebody!  Tell him to back off or he'll loose you!

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