
My boyfriend told me his turkish, but his cousin told me their not their kosovan,

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i just want to know, is there any similarity within kosovan and turkish?

i just want to know? because i want to know the facts before i go asking him why he lied, in case I'm just jumping to conclusions




  1. Why not just ask him what his cousin said?

    If he is your boyfriend, than this shouldn't be a problem. Its a straight forward question. You are already gonna ask him if he is lying? Come on. Just be straight forward and ask him if he is originally from Kosovo.

    Its not an issue to ask.  

  2. cuz no1 likes kosovans to be honest. he is ashamed of his heritage.

  3. I've heard Kosovans saying they're Italian too. Kosovans have a bad reputation so I suppose by saying he's Turkish he thinks you'll like him more?

  4. Do not blame your bf at once

    First, Kosova as other Balkan states has been part of Ottoman Empire. So it is possible your bf is from Kosova but he is Turk. As to his cousin says they are kosovan, your bf might be part Turk. Just ask it to him carefully.

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