
My boyfriend used to burn himself with cigarette's?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well my boyfriend was really into scarification and he tried to do it himself. He usually would just take cigarette's and burn them into his skin for a round circle and combine them to create a design. Well I've thought about it, and I decided I want to get a single cigarette burn on my left shoulder and my boyfriend will do the same. That way we will match and stuff, but I heard a rumor that is you get burned with a cigarette it can cause cancer? Is this true? Also what does a cigarette burn do to you skin that a regular burn wouldn't? Like does the tobacco effect you somehow? Any answers will be thanked unless they are rude.




  1. Have had cigerette burns got by accident infection is a real possiblity.Why dont you go out and buy matching clothes or jewelry or perhaps even at the extreme a piercing and buy jewelry to put in the holes that match,at least that way it will be done in a sanitary way.

  2. well, i dunno about the cancer thing, but if you keep the area clean, it shouldnt get infected.

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