
My boyfriend wants me to go with him to the airport to see him off. But, can I go past the security part?

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So, is their even a reason for me to go with him?

Like, can I sit with him and wait.




  1. Walk him to the security part , say good bye there. Its not going to kill you to wait until he has to leave.

  2. you cant do past the bag check where like you take ur shoes off and junk

  3. No, you cannot go past the security point.  There is a reason for you to go, and that is to please him, because this is something he wants.  If you are driving and dropping him off, then you also save  him parking costs.

    I travel frequently, and my husband often drops me off and picks me up.  He does not go inside or wait with me, but that last goodbye kiss is very important.   While you cannot sit with him and wait, that does not mean there is no reason to go.

    And as iceman has suggested, there are facilities in airports outside of security (depending on the airport, that is)  Check yours out.  He may want to wait outside security after he checks in until 10 or 15 minutes before boarding time.

  4. no way would you be allowed past security .its called security for a reason no ticket no getting past

  5. And when you pick him up - meet him as he comes out of the secure area - not just curbside in the car.  I travel a lot, and my wife almost NEVER is waiting as close as she could.  Seeing everyone else (at least it seems that way) have someone greet them just past security and your loved ones don't take the effort to meet you there make you feel less loved (not that it is true, but it feels that way).

  6. When he checks in at the airline desk, ask the airline for an extra gate pass. It will get you past security, but not on a plane. They will usually issue one extra pass if you ask nicely. Make sure you have ID with you.

  7. Many airports have facilites before security. So if thats the case you could go to the aiport with him, and then he could go through security.

  8. I would do it to support him.

  9. def cant pass can sit with him and wait in the seating area outside of serc if your boyfriend doesnt mind waiting to get to his gate

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