
My boyfriend wants to become a paramedic in the UK. What advise can I give him?

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My boyfriend's just taken his GCSEs and he's also a member of St John's ambulance. Thing is, in the future he wants to work as a paramedic but he's not sure where to get started. Since he doesn't have the internet and he's not sure where to go to get advise about careers, I wondered if anybody could give me any information so I could at least give him some advise to get him started?

He's interested to know what qualifications he'd need (he doesn't really want to go to Uni if he can help it though) and whether there's a more vocational path he can take towards his goal.

Any answers would be appreciated!




  1. This site has some good information under "entry requirements".

    British Paramedic Association:

  2. At the moment, it's possible to join a service directly and train first as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) then as a Paramedic. A-levels are preferred but not strictly necessary. Subject's aren't important, other than some GCSE's in English etc.

    However, this career path is dying out and the uni route is fast becoming the only way in. This is because uni medics cost the service almost nothing as they don't pay to train you. There are lots of uni's running the course now but it started at Hartfordshire. It's called Paramedic Science.

    London's a good place to train as they have the biggest training department and huge staff turnover. Then go where you want when you're qualified!

  3. Contacting his local NHS would be a start. Contacting there personnel department would be advantageous. Why not see if he can volunteer at his Local NHS Hospital, this will give him the experience he would need of dealing with sick people.

  4. Go to Connexions.

  5. Your boyfriend would be better staying on at school to get A levels possibly one in Biology or similar.

    To enquire about Paramedic work, he could,

    1. Speak to his Careers Officer at School.

    2. Telephone the Ambulance Service direct

    3. Call into the his local Job Centre.

    4. Contact Connexions who aid young people to get a job.

    Good Luck,

    UK based retired Nurse

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