
My boyfriend wants to get me a promise ring but we have only been together for 3 months.

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is this to soon.

we have known eachother for almost 2 years but have only ben dating for 3 months.




  1. only you can answer that question, obviously you have some doubts or you wouldnt have asked, take time to decide if youre ready and if you are accept it, if not than dont do it

  2. Yes way too soon  

  3. well sinc eyou guys new eachother for 2 years..thats an exceptiong...i mean a promise ring ISNT an engagement ring...its jsut a ring saying that the person wants to be with you and only you...ive been with ym man for four years and have yet to get one lol...good luck with everything

  4. i think you guys should wait longer.

    it's a bit too early right now.

  5. only you know you feel, go with your heart,try not to make promises you cant keep,remember nobodys perfect. and i think you could break someones heart very easy. take your time.

  6. yes my boyfriend got me one when we had been together for 9 months and even that to me was too soon so yes it is definately way too soon! Let him know that you love him but you are just moving things too fast. Have fun before you get tied down and trust me, when you have that ring on your finger, they will try there hardest to keep you from doing a LOT of things that you might regret not doing later!

  7. I would wait until 6 months, that sounds alot better than 3 months.

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