
My boyfriend wants to go to an Urologist?

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Me and my boyfriend have been trying to conceive I have to go and get an ultrasound on my pelvic area next week and my boyfriend want to go to an urologist and I was wondering what all can they do besides order the sperm analysis...can they treat him or help me and him both? But I was also wondering what kind of insurance can pay for that like medicaid, or medicare stuff like that




  1. A reproductive specialist would be more in line that a urologist. Ask your Physician who he would suggest for your boy friend.

  2. Don't bother griping back at those people who like to irritate people. Not worth the effort, and they won't read it anyway unless you send it to them directly via email. You can do that by clicking on their name.

    As to the issue---regular health insurance, if your boyfriend has it, will pay for urologist visits subject to any co pays or deductibles they may require. Some also require a primary physician refer the patient to the urologist.   Certainly a urology exam is worthwhile to see if the conception issue is with him or you.  If you have no insurance, call ahead and find out how much an exam and test for fertility will be.  

  3. First the doctor has to determine before he can suggest or start treatment.  Most urologists can treat both partners. Medicaid and medicare can usually pay for urologists treatments. Check with the doctor to see which he accepts and with your insurer to see if your covered.

  4. Why don't you two try getting jobs and pay for these expensive tests yourselves?  If you have to be on public assistance, you can't afford children.  

  5. wow you guys are really going at it but I have to agree with Lucky you dont have to aged or anything like to get on medicaid. Your boyfriend has to go to his primary physician to see what they want him to do or what they can do his medicaid may for it or it may not. My wife and I thought we wasnt going to be able to have a child we were going through something similiar to you guys but it turned out good. One of our main concerns was if we were going to be able to provide for one. I'm a veteran if that means I am providing or living off of tax payers then all I can say is I really appreciate it because it pays for the rest of the bills, food and clothing for my wife and my child  and whatever else they need if my wife in unable to get. So Mrs.Lucky if you or your boyfriend is living off tax payers then so am I. People must realize that when their parents or even when they get older they will get something called SSI isnt that tax payers money?

  6. The both of you need to see a Fertility Specialist to find out what is causing you to not get pregnant.

    HOWEVER...I don't think there is a Fertility Clinic on this earth, that would accept Medicare or Medicaid, nor will Medicare/Medicaid pay for a visit to a Fertility Clinic.

    Are either of you two working? Going to college? How are YOU planning on paying for this baby? Notice, I said "YOU", not us. Based on your spelling, scratch the college question. If your making $2000 per month, there is no way in h**l you would even qualify for Medicaid...stop lying...please. Also, when a person uses their insurance there are deductibles, its not free..duh. Medicaid is a state funded medical coverage for the aged, blind & disabled who have limited incomes and must be diabled (mentally or physically is yet to be determined), not aged cause your trying to get pregnant and I doubt your blind.

    Well, I have said my say. Stop riding the tax payers backs and pay your own way thru life...both of you!!!

    blah, blah, I was right. Whether its you or him, on medicaid, making a baby will still be on us tax payers. He is not working, he is not paying taxes, please...its still the same, your having a baby on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. his doctor will need to write up his claim as if there was a problem to be seen for beside you haven't been successful conceiving before medicaid or medicare will pay for it.

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