
My boyfriend wants to join the marines......what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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should i support him, be mad at, go with him??? im so confused




  1. If you're confused, then you shouldn't ask other people how you should feel, because you might take someones advice that really isn't what YOU want. Just relax, think about it for a while, and do what your heart tells you. Don't just be mad at him because someone on here tells you to be.  

  2. talk 2 him about it...he wants 2 serve his country, it's a very honorable thing. not 2 judge u at all, but if i were u i would be proud and support him if i really loved him. but i don't kno the details of ur relationship w/ this guy so it's hard 2 say. but if ur confused, i'd say just talk 2 him about it. if he's the rite guy, he'll be able 2 calm u down and ease ur confusion. good luck! =]

  3. Talk to him about how you feel.

    Answer this for me :];...

  4. Well you shouldnt be mad at him.Support him 100% he's going to need it.He going to make himself a better person and trying to have a better future for you and him.I have ex-boyfriend now wants to join the marines and I support his decision.But go with your heart there isnt anyone on this computer that should tell you what should do.

  5. let him

  6. Depends on what you want to do with your life. Marines is a lifestyle that is something to be proud of. However, if you plan on marrying him at some point, you really need to think about moving from base to base around the country. I would not be mad at him. It is a career decision that everyone needs to make. At least he is doing something worthwhile with his life. If you end things in a mad way and something happens to him, you will not be able to get over the regrets. You can wish that he wasn't and talk to him honestly about the future of your relationship. Discuss with him everything about it.

  7. My boyfriends talked about that too, i support him. Ive told him i dont want to be the reason he doesn't join, its his life, and his choises. I wouldn't say be mad, would it be fair if he was mad at you because you wanted to go to a different college. If you love him stay with him, and support him, because if he joins he'll need a strong women. :)

    Good luck!

  8. support him if thats really what he wants to do &&if it makes you more comfortable go with him live on the base or whatever

  9. you need to tell him how it would or will effect your relationship, and your worries/fears etc

    you both need to talk about it  

  10. Let him do it and just support him 100% all the time. That's the best thing he could ask for. I could see your frustration and concern. You may want to talk to him first, and just let your emotions out so he knows how you feel. But like I said, just be there for him. Hope this helps! Cheers!

  11. I couldn't never support my sweetheart becoming a killer.  Try to talk some smarts into that skull of his.

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