
My boyfriend wants to make out help???

by  |  earlier

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ok i just started going out with this guy and now he told my best friend that he wants to makout with me on the field trip tomorrow in the back of the bus. I have NEVER kissed anyone before and I'm scared but i dont want to chicken out. Please tell me how to make out i dont want to look like a fool.




  1. Just relax.  Are you old enough to be making out on the back of the bus?  Anyway, you could both get in serious trouble for doing that.  Let him lead the way.  If he kisses you closed mouthed you do the same.  If he kisses open mouthed then relax and allow it to happen.  Don't be touching private places because that is not worth doing on a bus with an audience.  You could get a really bad rep that will follow you through high school.

  2. Just practice. either with your hand or a pillow. Make sure not to dig your togue down his throat and dont do lizard tongue. Just softly massage his tongue with yours, making your lips plump out a little while both your lips touch

  3. It comes natural when he goes in for it you'll know what your doing, just follow his tongue with yours and thats how you make out.  

  4. MakiNG OUT on the bus with an audience is not s**y or cute especially if ur a female for a male i dont not why but it doesnt matter ...first is that what u want 2 do...if so, its NATURAL...if not, u shouldnt cause thats a bad rep for you!![if you do]...and others dont forget NEVER ( ive seen it happen plenty) he's NOT a GOOD bf if you think u'll be chicken

    Me i did it! but it was a night trip ppl dont pay a attention REALLY they dont!! AND you have covers and nobody else knew about it...but its because we LOVE each other not LIKE we've been friends 4 a very long time ( some cases LIKE not LOVE)

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