
My boyfriend wants to take his ex wife back? I feel so betrayed!!! What do I do?

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I have dated a single father for a little over a year. I am 25 going on 26, and he's 39 years old. He told me his ex wife cheated on him and broke up his family. To make a long story short, he now wanted her back. Reason being : His ex wife is fighting him for full custody of his daughter. So now, needless to say, I have to go.

I have never felt this betrayed my whole life. My family and friends have warned me about NOT dating a single dad as his former family would always be his number one priority.

He claims he loves me with all his heart, and he cannot stand the sight of his ex wife. But it broke his heart if he has to lose his daughter.

I am not asking advices on weather or not I should leave his azz (as I already decided to). My question to you is what do I do for revenge? Should I just pack up and leave after being there for him for a whole d**n year?! Thanks. Please no do gooder answers. I am ONLY asking the BEST ways for revenge.




  1. You can't get revenge hes moved on. Don't tell me you really believe the only reason he is going back is the kid. Come on.

  2. Best revenge is finding happiness with another man that will not break your heart.

    Move on and take it as a lesson learned.

    Take care.

  3. Your grammar is atrocious!  Go back to school and learn to spell, or at least use your Spell Check!

    To answer your question, the best revenge is living well.

  4. Kill him with kindness.  Make him think that you are not bothered, cut all ties with him and when he comes crawling back kick him in his teeth.

    Dont waste your time on him

  5. Remember, whatever you do, "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

  6. I can't think of a reason for revenge.  I feel bad for you and you got the short end of the stick on this.  But love is all about taking chances.  Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.  Just take your good memories and say goodbye to him.  He has made his choice, that he wil probably regret and I'd say that is good enough revenge.  Good Luck to you

  7. If he loved you he wouldn't be going back to her. Move on. You will find someone that is worth your time, because he is obviously not. I think you should cut all communication with him too, because I'm sure that when she cheats on him again he will try to get you back. I don't think you should waste your time with revenge. The best revenge will be when you find someone else and are happy and he wants you back but can't have you.

    My husband is divorced with a kid and he would never get back with his ex for the kid. I'm his priority now, and you need to find someone that will do the same for you.  

  8. Sweetie, he was playing you.  I really do think you never got the whole story.  They were probably separated due to his infidelities at some other point in time.  He was poking you on the sly until she cooled off long enough to take him back.  After using your hole for a year he's ready to return to the woman he really loves, the one that can suck a golf ball through a 50' garden hose.

  9. My MY MY you should stick to men your own age then you will slowly learn that there are two sides to each story...his side and the truth!!

  10. Please provide contact info. - I will have him eliminated by introducing him to the fishes.  Cost = $10K

  11. A daddy goes back to his family and you want revenge!

    It shows you were never a good woman to begin with. Let the father go back to his kid, and let him focus on the nest he started building.

    Your family gave you a warning you didn't listen, you got what you were looking for some pleasure with an older man that could take care of you.  

  12. revenge:

    pack and leave

    if he calls NEVER answer

    if he txts, NEVER reply

    he sees you, he says hi, smile and ask him how everything...never be mad.

    that's revenge, i did that same **** to my ex and he told a mututal friend "she never cared about me, if she did, she souldnt be so over me like that"

  13. Your revenge is that he is going back to a cheat that will cheat again.  Watch out this guy is going to try to wiggle back in your life.  Leave and never ever communicate with him again.  No matter how many times he tells you that he wants you back (and he will).  Pretend he does not exists.

  14. i agree with alot of the other answers on here. cut off all communications with him. don't speak to him at all... ever again. chances are, he will see-saw between you and the ex wife if you stay in contact. then, you will just be a s*x object when its convenient for him and his wife is "treating him bad".  

  15. You said that you already "decided" to leave his azz. Quit looking for people to side with your negative payback. No do gooder answers, please.










  16. You don't need revenge. He didn't betray you; he simply made a decision and you're bitter that it wasn't you. Just up and leave, don't talk to him anymore. If he hates his wife that much it will be over again soon...don't take him back when he inevitably comes creeping.  

  17. Just yesterday you were on here telling us he lost his job and why should he still pay child support?

    Get your stories strait.............

  18. The BEST thing you can do for revenge is hold your head up and move on. Is your freedom and reputation worth it?? He obviously knew what he was doing. All that he has told you is a lie. How do you "HATE" someone and then move back in to live with them. More than likely he is the one who cheated and she kicked him out. There is NO WAY in h**l he would have hated his wife so much and move back in. If he love you so much, he would have fought for custody or shared custody of his child. Sorry to say but he used you. Just cut your loses and move on. It hurts like h**l!! but girl he's so not worth the "orange jumpsuit". Find support from your friends and family at this difficult time.  

  19. Let him.

    My gf cheated on me and chose the other man and I let her.

    You cant force love.

    Someone out there will love you.

    Find him!

  20. Pack up and go-don't let him talk you into staying with him. Once you're gone he'll feel like a dumbass. Find happiness with a man who doesn't already have kids.

  21. Your family was right.  You should not be dating him.  He's all wrong.  He should be with his family.  Let him go and be happy.  There's someone out there better suited for you.

  22. my boyfriend wants to take his ex wife back? i feel so betrayed! what do i do?

            answer= best revenge,move on,and take it as a lesson .

                  source= we learn from our own mistakes.  

  23. Yep, you should just pack up and leave without doing a darn thing but smile.  Thank him for opening your eyes to the REAL him and saving you from the horrible years and heartache that would've surely came.  The best revenge is to show him you can be happy and better off without him.

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