My new boyfriend was fired from his job as a financial adviser six months ago and has yet to find employment. At first he seemed to be in denial(spending money as if he was still employed), then he stated that he was "hustling" to pay his morgage, but he's more of a square type of guy. Then he borrowed $600 from me( a divorced mother of two) and has yet to pay me back. His affect is very up and down and he doesn't seem to be in reality. On a recent visit to his home I found a notice from the electric company stating he had written them a bad check and a notice from Bank of America stating he was overdrawn. That same week he asked to borrow $1100 to purchase a motorcycle, I refused saying that "I just don't have it". So, I'm not really understanding the male ego here and I don't know what I should do. He of course acts as if everything is fine, while going out of town with his friends. Before he was fired he did have several unemployed friends living with him. What should I do?