
My boyfriend won't bring his daughter around any more. Is this odd?

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We have been seeing eachother for about 4 1/2 months. His daughter is great and she adores me but she says my son is annoying. I feel as though this is very common for 10 and 11 year olds. Nothing unusual has happened. When her father confronted her about being rude to my son she got defensive and said she doesn't want to be around my son any more. Her father has been honoring her request for about a month now. Is this odd/wrong?




  1. In my opinion, he doesn't seem to be thinking of a future with you if he's not trying to combine the children and work on the issues.

  2. What happened between your son and his daughter to make her feel like this? I'm sure that if you sat down and talked to both of them, individually, then you might get to the bottom of it. Its not uncommon for them to not get along, but there is always some kind of reason, or something that started it, that you may not be aware of. Talk to both kids and see where it goes.

  3. What was odd/wrong was the fact that he brought her around you and your son so soon in the relationship.  He should not bring his child around the women he dates until he knows he is making the next step into a committed relationship.

    You must realized you forced a 'relationship' between these two children and she may actually find your son annoying, nothing rude about that, it may be his actions that are rude, not her opinion.  The 'confrontation' about her being rude cemented the fact that her feelings were not honored and the best thing would be not to get these kids together since your son's actions were rewarded in her eyes.  What's wrong is how your son made her feel, apparently you feel it's common, but your boyfriend's daughter does not.

  4. I htink that's ok.

  5. perhaps he feels that your child and his just dont get along. if your man wanted to see you...he would tell his daughter that she needs to behave. sounds like he is her first it should be.. but he needs to learn to stick up for himself too. ask him if he wants to be with you... and have everything that comes with it... or not. and... if not then.. yea.. he doesnt want a future with you

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