
My boyfriend wont get a job. What should i do?

by  |  earlier

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We have been together for 8 years, he has had a job 50% of the time. I love him a lot and he loves me and loves me very much. He has been unemployed this time for about 7 months now. I have been diagnosed with diabetes and I am taking 2 types of insulin and several oral medications. This is very expensive for me because I don't have health insurance.

Having diabetes is very stressful by itself, but having someone that lives with me that I have to support financially is becoming even more stressful.

I know the answer is to ask him to move out, but he would have to go back to living on the street, and then I would feel even more awful and stressed out.

What should I do?




  1. How wonderful of you to risk your life for a loser man.


    Take charge of YOUR life, realize you love a loser,

    and get over the love part so you can


    Oh I forgot, he LOVE YOU SO much....

    uh, he's willing to risk your life too, so that he doesn't have to work.

    It seems to me, that the only person loving anyone here, is you loving him.  

    He is USING you girlfriend.

    He's a total LOSER.

    Do the grieving for the relationship, dump this guy, and find a guy to love that is worthy of all you offer as a partner.

    When you kick him out, he'll get a job, get back in with you, and then later he'll quit again.  

    BECAUSE His true career is sponging off YOU!


  2. If after 8 years he hasn't grown up enough to pull his weight, he never will.  You need a partner, not a child.  Don't let him guilt you into putting his needs above your own.  Find a small inexpensive place, get a new phone number, and GO!  It's hard, but it's time to let him go and find yourself a new life.  Be brave.  If you don't take care of yourself, nobody will.

  3. why are you with him? Tell him that you are not his mother and not there to support him. I'm sorry, I know you will feel bad if you leave him and he has to live on the street, but you dont deserve to have to take care of an adult, he needs a wakeup call. He is lazy and you will deal with this forever. Think about how it makes you feel and make your decision. It's hard but you need to do whats best for your happiness. Yes you love him, but it's probably more like loving a brother rather than a lover.  

  4. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of  problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.

  5. Did he ever go to a employment agency to look for a job? He could look for a job there but does he want to work? It look like how you tell your story that he doesn't really try to find a job.And it look like he is depended on you. You know that lot of people would say to leave him but i guess you have to think about yourself first now. I can't tell you to leave your boyfriend that is up to you.

  6. Your boyfriend is a user and a looser the sooner you can distance yourself from this jerk the better off you will be and the better off he will be.  As so long is he is getting free money and a free place to stay he is not going to do a thing, it would be to his betterment to force him to fend for himself, its the only way I can see to help him and yourself.

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