
My boyfriends a guitarist in a band and lots of girls come onto after the upsets me .?

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Should i end it ,because there may be no future with a rock and roll guy in a band or should i stick with it,because i do love him.

i dontr get jealous but all the girls that go after him and there are lots,make me feel insecure about myself because they are all so pretty.if i talk to him ,it will seem as tho i am clingy or jealous and i know he could replace me with anyone he wanted.

i trust him and he is very loving toward me ,but i feel pressure to keep up with these girls and its draining me.i know he could replace me at any time with the pick pof the bunch ,someone prettier and younger,he meets hundreds of girls at his gigs,all more interesting and prettier than me.i love him so much and i want to make this work,but i think my insecurity will drive him away.

when we are on our own ,its great,i dont like going to his gigs ,but if i dont support him,we'll drift.

i dont wanna lose him.please help!what do i do?




  1. you should go to his gigs more often

    and show them girls whos guy there messing with

    im pretty sure he wouldnt mind seeing your face in the front row


  2. Your with a guy that gets lots of attention,& if you can't accept that,I say move on.The only type of woman that can remain in the sidelines,has to be secure about herself,& remember that it's his job. Also,if he gives you no reason for feeling jealous,then you may be able to get it together,but if he shows that it's an important aspect of his life,then you may never be able to work it out.

  3. Learn how to play the drums and become a member of the band that way when the girls come up you can whack them in the head with the drumsticks! And you'll be there for every gig if you're the drummer...

  4. It goes with the with it or get out.

  5. well if you met him when he was in the band then you probably knew what you were getting into. Maybe he could have any girl, but he stays with you. If he didn't want you he would leave! if there is one thing that turns a man off is a woman being over jealous and insecure. Men love confident women. Go with him to his shows when you can, you may not like it but being supportive is a big part of a relationship.

  6. Give him some credit for knowing who he wants. You shouldn't allow unfounded fear ruin your life with him. He's treating you right so why are you worried and lacking in confidence? If you let jealousy and anger into your relationship then it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy because you will have ceased to be the woman he loves. Take a deep breath and relax. My guess is that your guy see's you better then you see yourself so I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as you don't let this fear change you.

  7. I suggest talking to him, letting him know you aren't jealous but that you are feeling overwhelmed with all the girls that approach him. It can be overwhelming, I can only imagine.....but you have to feel SECURE in your relationship in order for it to last. NO MATTER who is around your need to know that if the finest woman in the world walked up to your bf or hubby and threw herself at him, that he would smile (hello, he's a man) and tell her no thank you, he's got the girl of his dreams. If you feel that when you're with him, you will be okay, until then, you're going to battle these feelings.

  8. I ran with artistic people and I found out they require constant applause.

    Even when we were by ourselves.  Artistic people are selfish and immature.  You need to be around a giver, like yourself.  Counselors are constantly telling these types to expand themselves.  To consider the other person's needs.  To get their thinking off themselves and into helping others.  I'm afraid you will find cheating episodes in your future with this man.  Women make themselves available to him.  These type  women will also betray him when the next excitement comes along in their life.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Quit thinking that there is something you can do with yourself.  It simply will not make him better.

    Now second subject.  Know yourself.  You realize you are attracted to artistic people.  Now you have found out it is OK to appreciate them.  That's OK.  Just don't get involved personally.  You need to wait for that special moment.  Your presentation.  There is a man just for you.  How will you know it.  He will worship the ground you walk on.  If you are a christian your verse would be Gen. 2:22 And God presented the woman to Adam.  Your time.  Your presentation.  Your man.  Prepare yourself.  Your job.  Your home.  Your car.  He is preparing himself.  His job.  His home.  His car.  You both will be contributing to a good marriage.  Kindest regards, Happy  

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