
My boyfriends addicted to snooker what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i dont live with my boyfriend and when i see him all he wants to do is play snooker. i feel as tho he does it just to get way from me. but hes always telling mehe loves me. i no hes not up to no good because he goes with my brother. what can i do? i dont want toseem like a *****!!!




  1. y not do it wit him, its something he enjoy he might like it even better if u do it too

  2. ok i dont what the h**l snooker is but i say you just start backing off like if you call him an hes playing the game just be like ya call me when your if you go over to see him an hes playing f**ken leave but not bitchy just like whatevers like i gotta go call me when your done playing see ya he loves you but hes so used to you probably not saying anything so he thinks it doesn't bother you just really think about it hope this helped =]

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