
My boyfriends dad fancies me.?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want the police involved or anything, i just wanted to know what you would do in my situation? my boyfriend and i are both 13, and we have been going out for abot 3 months now. anyway, i was on yahoo chatting to his dad over the internet ye.. and he said "You'v got a fit bum!" i just said "Oh, ok. Thanx!" and now it turns out he realy loves me, but i dont want to say that i dont like him, because he could stop me and my boyfriend seeing each other.He isnt that bad to be honist he is very nice but i dont want this to split up his family. now i had to tell someone so i told my friends summer and leona, but their being horrible and saying they will tell if i dont do stuff ( give them my crisps,choclate,hugs and stuff) omg i tell them to go away and i dont want to be mates with them if they are going be like that and everything they just laf and say sorry we wudnt dare say so i say ok :) and they do it again. what should i do? help




  1. u should tell ur bf and ur parents... hey maybe the dad is a crazy... but u need to get someone to put a stop to this!

  2. Hi , first off i would get friends your friends are not real friends by judging what you have said . 2 because the ''dad'' said you have a nice bum doesn't mean he fancys you you could be being wrong or he could be winding you up or doing it to anoy his son . or yes a peadafile and should tell your pairents but only do this if your 100% sure ie if he trys to kiss you ect

  3. You need to stay away from this man.  Don't chat with him and don't go over to his house.  If you want to stay with your boyfriend, do it away from his house.

  4. OMG GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u need 2 let your PARENTS know!his WIFE!your BOYFRIEND and everybody else!this doesnt sound at all of a good situation!this is sounding like its gonna get dangerous if u dont say anything about it!do NOT be naive!u really need to let someone know and he needs to get help!dont get mad at your friends!they are showing that they care about u!trust me

  5. Well what does he even say? and is he worth it? if u are nice to him and stuff your basically saying that your having an extra relation ship? thats like cheating on your bf

    and what does he even say that makes you think he likes you? cuz if all he said was your bum is in shape then thats just playing around with you if you talk too much then yeah he does .........

  6. that is sort of creepy...

  7. First of all, your boyfriends dad has no right to say these kind of thing to you.

    Second of all, he DOESN'T love you.

    Third of all, you should tell your parents or another "mature" adult.

    Oh, and, why exactly would you chat with your boyfriends dad???

  8. Get rid of those girls!

    they are not true friends

    ok this is really really serious


    you dont know how serious this can get, you could get hurt

    personaly i think what hes doing is disgusting, he sounds like a right perv. Please tell an adult

    your saftey comes first before anything

    and keep thoes convos as proof.

  9. You need to tell the dad that the things he says makes your feel uncomfortable and that you guys need to not talk anymore.  Tell him  that you are dating his son and then i would show the son the emails or chat logs so he knows what is going on.  If it continues then you do need to tell an adult a parent a teacher a cop someone.  

  10. Your friends are jerks and you need to get new ones. As for the boyfriends dad. You need to tell your parents. I'm not trying to be mean but he may be a pedaphille. I mean look, you would never want to make out with a man that is 40 something right? Well a 40 something man should never want to makeout (or do more) with a girl your age. He might try to do soemthing to you sometime and even rape you. I know he SEEMS nice, but so did my older cousin before he tried to do it to me. He might move on and do it to more little girls, even like 7 year old girls. You need to seriously be careful and tell your parents because he might end up raping a little girl if you don't tell someone.


    Do not let some twit of a dude get in your way of taking care of yourself.  His dad is sick and if he doesn't do anything to you he'll probably hurt another young girl.  Tell your boyfriend.  Take the proof off of the internet and show it to him.  Make sure you have copies in case he tries to destroy them.  If he doesn't believe you, why worry about him.  Tell someone, especially the police!  Jesus!!!  He's a freaking pig pedophile.  Do your young generation of girls the favor and get him off the streets!

  12. You should tell the guy that he's too old for you, you appreciate the compliment, but it makes you uncomfortable to be talking to him that way.  Then stop chatting with him (duh!) and find a couple of new mates, because the two you have "aren't worth knocking in the head"!  If he makes a pass at you after that, tell your boyfriend, then tell your Dad, uncle, brother, and his wife.

  13. wow.... tell ur boyfriend see what he says. thats i feel bad for you.. just stay away from the dad.. he can rape you if he gets you alone.. and about ur friends.. ingore them they are just being stupid and taking advatage of you.. good luck on this. and tell ur parents .. casue thats not a good thing he is doing :) best of luck  

  14. i think you should talk to your boyfriend about this. maybe he will talk to his dad about this situation. if that doesnt work then you need to get the police. the dad could rape you or something, you can get hurt.

  15. you need to tell him to stop talking to you like that...that's nasty, your 13. He has no morals! i would show my boyfriend so he will know im not lying  

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