
My boyfriends mom hates me what do i do?

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When my bf and i started dating she didn't like me. When we dated for a few months she told him she started to really like me. but on his birthday my bf, his mom, and i were going to meet more of his family for dinner. I was driving the car when we pasted his church so then she asked me where do i go to church. I told her and in the most rude voice i have ever heard she said "oh my gosh my son is not dating a catholic" (they are catholic i am christian). I started to stand up for myself until i saw i was not going to make anything better. So now she hates me again. My parents have to problem with my boyfriend being catholic but my mom doesn't want me going to their church. What do i do?




  1. I would say continue being polite to her, don't give her any legitimate reason to not like you and hopefully this will pass.

  2. I am catholic as well. But I believe that we all have one god but we just name him different and pray different. Be nice to her try to win her heart again. Don't give up your beliefs because of him. Try to go to his church with them but tell him to go to your church as well. If you really love him try to win her heart because its really important for him. But if you think you could move on do it. Good Luck!

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