
My brace has broken !! Help?

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I got my braces two days ago i have a missing wisdow tooth in my lower teeth and the flexible wire runs to join another tooth the flexible wire loosened can i put it back in i don't want to go back to my orthdonist he'd be annoyed at me. Can i put it back in myself




  1. i wouldn't put it in myself

    u may do sumthing wrong

    so wat if he'd be annoyed.. after all its his job  

  2. ive had braces for bout a year and a half and i can do it but it might be harder cuz u just got urs and aren't really used to them you have to use tweezers or your finger nails and graip the wire pull it the opposite way it will probably poke you in the cheek then fish the wire through the hole in the bracket if its the last bracket then you might e able to do it if its not leve it alone and go to the orthodontist cuz you don't want to mess up your braces more its hard and ur choice good luck

  3. You should just go back and get him to put it back. You might mess the whole thing up ... !  

  4. He will be annoyed ?

    I should think it is you who should be annoyed.

    Go back to the orthodontist and complain that your brace did not last long it must have been poorly fitted !!

  5. patients often have problems with their braces - especially when they are new.   Brackets come off, wire come out ....

    just ring and make an appointment - he will be used to repairing breaks .

    i wouldn't suggest mending it yourself as that would annoy him!  You could  damage it.

    Take note If he  advises you against certain foods or advises  a certain way of brushing to avoid this happening again.  

    Be brave and ring him - it'll be OK , trust me. x x

  6. dear go to the dentist now

    i hate to say that cause i hate them to the bone but we have to do that

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