
My braces' wire is coming off. should i take it all off?

by  |  earlier

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the back of it is coming off and the wire is sticking out of my mouth. and i have to bite it, so it can stay in my mouth. i was thinking of taking it off. its really hurting. then when i go back on the 12th august, they can put a new wire in. what should i do?




  1. Why don't you keep it down with some dental wax (you can buy it at the drug store or usually your orthodontist will give it to you) thats what I used to do if a wire would come off. If that doesn't work either take it out or make an emergency walk in appt.  

  2. call the orthodontist and and tell them that you need a emergancy appointment and they will fix it. dont try to fix it at home because it could damage your braces

  3. Ring your orthodontist and ask for an emergency appointment, shouldn't cost you anything at all.

    If you take all the wire off, your teeth will start moving back to the original position ie;wonky.


  4. I have a brace and this has happened to me many a time. What you should do is cut the bit thats sticking out but not too short,just so you are able to kind of turn it so it goes under the fixed wire running though the bricks on your brace, if you see what i mean. I wouldnt cut it because you dont know if your orthodontist has attached to it on the fixed wire of your brace and you may unwind it then not be able to take it off completely OR  break your brace while your doing it.

    Hope this helps! Good luck with your brace!


  5. Ouch, that happened to me too!

    My brother took a fine cutter tool (and a rubber glove for his hand) and cut it as close as possible. If you can't do that, just rip it out, the dentist will replace the wire anyhow.  

  6. this happened to me ..DONT! take it off yourself as they will give you into trouble for messing around with your treatment ..if you phone them and tell them the problem ..they should be able to squeeze you in real soon to sort the problem

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