
My braces do not hurt at all..not even after tightening?

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My friends say braces hurt...but mine dont at all...should i be worried that my teeth are not moving?




  1. dont be worried what so ever

    everyone experiences different pain, your just a lucky one

    i got myne tightened yesterday and its the first time they havnt hurt, nothing wrong with that :)

  2. No, if they can be tightened then they must be moving. Voice your concerns next time your at the orthodontists.

  3. not all braces hurt. Mine only hurt when they are moving some and thats not very often. mine are mostly just a pain when I eat because they get caught but they don't really hurt much.

    maybe ask ur orthadontist next tightening but not everybody is the same when they have braces.

    some people hurt worse than others.

  4. Eh mine dont hurt too much either...

    do you have top and bottom braces?

    sorry just wondering.

  5. you are blessed.

  6. Wonder Woman! lol. Some people's teeth are more spaced than others which may cause more pain. I'm jealous. hehehe.

    I was sipping on ENSURES for dinner when my braces were tightened.

    The Ortho knows what he's doing. I would question mine and he would tell me to relax. He was right.


  7. Your teeth may not be as bad as others. Towards the end of treatment the visits tend to be more aggressive as they are trying to straighten the roots of the teeth. Some people just have a higher tolerance for pain. Consider yourself lucky!

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