
My braces fell off please help

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my bracesbrackets

(front four teeth) fell of and i would want to know why there is a square mark of where they were on my teeth and if the dentist could take them off and how the dentists usually take off the brackets and if they usually fix those marks




  1. I hope you saved your brackets.

    Anyway, the square mark could either be from the glue they used or because your teeth are a bit more yellow outside of where the brackets were, like the poster before me said. They fix the marks when they whiten your teeth after you get your braces off.

  2. those marks means that your teeth colors are different

    for ex: when you got them your teeth was white and when u got got braces, you dont brush them. So the place wehre the braces were at, it stays white and the rest turn yellow

    hope that help

    kinda confusing tho isnt it?

  3. That's not good. You should go to your dentist asap so they can put the braces back on. That's really weird that they came off. I have never heard of that happening to anyone before... But go back and they will put them back on. Your teeth are a different color because you haven't been brushing that part of the tooth since your braces have been there. They will either whiten or do whatever they need to fix it so your teeth are all one color again.  

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