
My braces hurt like crazy after getting them tightened what should i do to make the pain go away?

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My braces hurt like crazy after getting them tightened what should i do to make the pain go away?




  1. Definitely take some ibuprofen but it will take a little while to take effect.  When my kids are sore they suck on ice or hold very cold water in their mouth for about 30 seconds at a time before swallowing.  The ice/cold water will also help with any swelling.  Also try eating soft foods until your mouth feels better.  Hope this helps, Good luck! :o)

  2. Ugh, after having braces for 5 YEARS, I think i have some tips for you. first off, before you go to the orthodontist, take some pain reliever,i recommend some Advil or Tylenol. after you get your braces tightened, take another dose of Pain reliever, and if the swelling/hurting dosent go away after that, put an ice pack on it, and try to watch TV, or read, to try to take your mind off of the pain. hope i helped.


  3. You know what really works for me?  Cold things... Ice Cream, Popsicles, Cold Potato Salad...  Soft fruits  Sometimes the coldness helps numb the pain after an adjustment.  Hope this works for you!

  4. ADVIL- trust me get it its wonderful everyone needs a bottle. the pain will go away. Not tylonal

  5. when i had my braces I would take some motrin after getting them tightened. It works trust me

  6. Take ibuprofen - it will work well on tooth pain. Remember the more they hurt, the more your teeth are moving, the sooner it will be over!

  7. use oragel that should numb the me it works

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