
My braces really hurt!!?

by  |  earlier

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i just got them on, any advice to make them feel any better? ):

also supplies do i need to keep my teeth nice? like, that weird floss, and wax.

also, anyone have advice on how i can keep them on as short as possibal?




  1. yes...have something really cold, like a popsicle, a slushy, or suck on ice. might sound weird, but the coldness will make the braces a bit flexible, less stiff.  to keep your teeth nice? brush them, A LOT!!! try to floss and brush after every meal. try not to eat stuff that will stick in between your braces.  

  2. Your orthodontist determines how long or short you are required to wear your braces, so there isn't much you can do to speed up the process.  Just out of experience, follow your directions when you get your braces off about the retainer...your teeth can shift back to what they look like now, and why would you go through all this pain and money to have your teeth perfect when if you don't follow the directions, they go back and you may have to get braces again...just fair warning.  There are a few products on the market that help numb your mouth, (ambesol) you can find relief from some of these products, but its a brief relief, you have to re-apply it every several hours.  I suggest definitely using the wax that they give you to help make the corners of your mouth not get cut up, that really hurts. The weird floss is called "superfloss" and is GREAT!  You are at greater risk to develop gingivitis because you have these metal brackets attracting plaque, and irritating your gum's.  You could also get a "Waterpik" from your local department store, and that is GREATER for braces, it shoots out water irrigating your brackets and gets food and debris out from in between your brackets.  It doesn't replace flossing but it definitely helps prevent gingivitis and white spots because you remove the harmful plaque I would suggest that you start using a fluoride toothpaste that they may or may have not given you in your pack called Prevident 5000, it is high concentrate of fluoride (don't swallow it or let little kids use it that can't spit) or if you don't like the taste start to use a fluoride rinse like ACT nightly after your brushing, these last items are to prevent the dreaded "white spots" that permanently change your tooth structure and leave your teeth visually altered, and cannot be fixed, except by veneers.  GOOD LUCK!

  3. supplies-

    you might want a waterpick. they help get that food out and get your tteth super clean.

    ADVIL GALORE!! helps tons.

    get smoothies or soft things to eat for the first week or so.

    also, hard candy is good to suck on.

    have popsicles.

    wax doesnt help, it doesnt stay put. i had braces and the only way to keep them on as short as possible, wear the rubberbands if you are given them and dont break your brakets!

    a mechanical toothbrush helps and that floss is great!

    youll love yourself for having them, once you have great teeth!

    hope i helped.

  4. Making them feel better is very difficult honestly.Taking a pain reliever works slightly and just don't push yourself to eat hard foods. ease yourself into it. just eat things like pasta,soft fruits, icecream, etc. Just make sure to brush about 4 t-5 times a day. after you eat evertime. the wax is just for if you have a wire poking or scraping on you to cover it. The only way to shorten your time is if they tell you to wear rubberbands, which you may not even have them, then wear them not wearing them keeps you in them much longer.

  5. this is my second time around with braces, and ive had 2 expanders before, so i (unfortunately) know a lot about braces.

    i know, it hurts like c**p when you first get them, but theres nothing you can do except take medicine that you mom should give to you (advil, motrin, ect.)

    in about 2-3 days you should be feeling and eating fine again. this may happen when you get your bands changed, so do the same thing.

    just brushing your teeth like three times a day is the best. ask if you can get an electric toothbrush, they work a lot better!

    just making sure you dont break anything will keep them on the shortest time.

    hope i helped!!

  6. Lots of people feel your pain. I have had braces for 2 years and they come off september 20th ya! but to make them stop hurting Tylenol or Advil usually helps a little but it goes away it just might take a few days.

    trust me braces are so worth it.

  7. To save time, just do what your orthodontist asks of you. I had braces and I didn't get my full treatment because I wouldn't do what he told me, so my teeth aren't perfect like they could be.

    I was told to wear rubber bands with mine to help with my over bite but I didn't want to deal with taking them off and putting them back on between meals and it was embarrassing to talk with them in my mouth. I wish I would have just done it cuz now I'm stuck with an overbite and may need surgery in my future because of that.

    Anyways, as for the pain, just stick it out. I know it's really rough. Maybe take some benedryl to help you sleep so you don't feel the pain. Or take advil, it will help with the pain. Not all the way but it will definitely not hurt as much.

    The intense pain with my braces only lasted 4 days, then after that it started easing up. Good luck and do what your dentist tells you! :)

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