
My brain just felt like it twitched and i don't know why. Help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a bit scarred. I'm only 16 and I shouldn't be having brain problems.




  1. Brain Twitching or  Myoclonus  is brief, involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles. It describes a medical sign and, generally, is not a diagnosis of a disease. The myoclonic twitches or jerks are usually caused by sudden muscle contractions; they also can result from brief lapses of contraction.

    Because of the complex nature of the "Brain" is advisable to consult your doctor if Brain Twitching persists for more than a few days.  

  2. I have these weird little brain twitch feeling all the time. I thought I was alone on that. I have no idea what they are or how to describe them. They kinda worry me too but I've been getting them for years and I'm not dead yet, so I try not to think about it.

  3. Could be seratonin but you need to give more specific details

  4. Like you felt it move? Literally? Maybe you should tell a parent/guardian, or go to the hospital if your alone.;...

  5. I know how you feel I get those feelings often also. I'm having some right now like your brain or something is moving inside like stretching or even a sudden movement. Well hopefully it's nothing bad and your not alone.  

  6. lmfao, maybe you thought too hard.

  7. your brain has no nerve endings, so if it was moving you would never feel it

  8. Maybe you had a brain f**t. Happens frequently the older you get.

  9. some of these questions are so funny... why would someone be worried becase their brain is moving? just leave it alone and it will never happen again

  10. I had the same experience.  I told my mom and the doctor that I felt my brain twitching - those exact words.  Of course, it's not your brain really twitching, but I needed to know why this was happening.  I was a little older than you when this happened.  I was also a little depressed and occasionally dealt with anxiety issues.  After I was given a small dose of anti-anxiety medication, the "twitching" stopped.

    The cause of this feeling could be a change in the levels of your serotonin (like another person already suggested.)  Serotonin is like a chemical messenger that transmits nerve signals.  These levels are a bit off when burdening the feeling of depression or anxiety.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!

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