
My brakes are squealing for no good reason?

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I pulled off my tires and the pads are fine. It doesn't happen in the morning or evening with moisture. Its midday, when its hottest out. They squeal really loud whenever i hit my breaks. Unfortunately in the city most mechanics are crooks so i don't wanna waste money. any ideas?




  1. Depending on the make and model of you vehicle, could be the pads are thin enough for the wear indicators to be hitting the rotors. These little metal strips are there to let you know your pads are getting thin enough and need replacement. Could also be grit or a rock stuck between the pad and rotor. Get yourself a service manual or book from the local auto parts store, follow the instructions , and tear it apart and see if you see anything. Get your friend that you borrowed the impact from to help. Could even be the pads vibrating in the calipers. You need the pull the brakes off and get some anti-squeal liquid or pads from your local auto parts.

    Good luck

  2. If your brake pads are fine, then it is plain mud which accumulates in the cup when passing over muddy water.Just open the cup after you take off the tyre and clean with a brush and a cloth.The problem is over.

  3. Depending on what car you have, go to the manufacturers and get them take  look at it. (for example a BMW dealer or an Audi dealer.......)

  4. This is a semi-easy fix. Next time you buy brake pads replace with ceramic based products. AC-Delco, Bendix CQ and EBC make ceramic brake pads. They are quiet, cleaner and do not chew up brake rotors.

    Now lets go on to quiet the pads you already have. Remove the pads and spray both sides off with CRC Brake Clean. Being very sure the back or steel side is really clean spread a liberal .090 thickness of CRC Brake Quiet on the entire steel side of each pad. *This product is not grease but a high temperature silicone silastic compound that always remains flexable. It eliminates brake harmonics and vibrations which transmits the noise you hear.

    Please - never put any type of grease on the steel side of the brake pads. Natuaral lubricants will degrede and completely ruin the brake compound on the friction side when it gets hot and drips all over the pads.

  5. I'd say your rotors are probably too thin, but then again, I don't even know what kind of car you're talking about....

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    Did you check them with a micrometer? If not, then how do you know.

    And it would still help if you posted what kind of car it is. Maybe someone who hasn't lost interest can help you then.

  6. The problem may not be with the front of the pad but the rear where the pad contacts the caliper . A brake pad has a metal backing and metal on metal will squeel. They make a lube for brake pad backings to help eliminate this noise Good luck hope this helps

  7. Of course the brakes are squeaking for a good reason or they would not be squeaking.  These are just mechanical parts, they do not have a vendetta against you.

    Neither do the local mechanics who are in fact not mostly a bunch of crooks but rather just ordinary people trying to do their jobs.  The fact that you are too cheap to pay them for their time, money and expertise is your problem - don't blame it on them. A real mechanic could tell you why your brakes are squeaking and recommend a course of action - something you are clearly not able to do on your own.  If you don't find that service valuable then continue doing what you are doing and seek free advice on the internet.  You will in the end get exactly what you pay for either way.

  8. More than likely, you have dust or sand in the pads.  Pressure wash the wheels making sure that all of the pads that are vivible are hit really well.  That should take care of your problem.  It is a common noise/problem, especialy if you drive in/on/near construction sites.

  9. Your brake pads are most likely worn. Check with your local mechanic, takes 10 minutes to check them.

  10. Take the pads out, put some CopaSlip grease on the back (don't get it on the face) and put them back in.

    Stops the squealing every time.

  11. have them checked out

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