
My bread won't rise what is wrong

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My bread won't rise what is wrong




  1. Check your package of yeast for an expiration date. The next thing I would check - was it added to liquid that was too warm? That will make the yeast go flat. I wish you luck, making bread is a very relaxing project.

  2. You need to make sure you play with the soft dough to get it to rise!

    Have fun!!!

  3. your yeast. next time you add your yeast and warm water, sprinkle a spoonful of sugar in the mixture. good luck.

  4. What kind of bread? A yeast bread? A quickbread using baking powder? If you answer that, I'll come back and edit my answer.

  5. The most important part of any thing with yeast added is kneeding. Not only does it make sure the ingredients are mixed. but it forces air into the mixture, which, in the cooking process, allows heat in to the parts of the recipe which would normallly reject heat.

      Mix the ingredients, let them stand. Kneed well , let them stand with a cover. Kneed again after 20 mins and stretch. Leave to let yeast do it's job and then cook.

  6. Your not kneading it properly you have to make sure you knead it enough times

  7. Could be lots of things....

    Did you remember to add the yeast?

    Did you check the yeast and make sure it was activated?

    Did you add the yeast to lukewarm water along with some sweetener?  

    How old is your yeast?

    I make a lot of bread so I buy the yeast in 1 lb packages. Once it's opened I store it sealed in the fridge.   If you'd like to try again there's a good French bread recipe on the site listed below.  Good luck! Bread takes practice :)

  8. You did not activate the yeast properly.

  9. you must feed the yeast or else it wont rise, and actually kneading does help j c by putting the air inside the dough so it can rise!

  10. yeast. something went wrong with the yeast. kneading doesn't actually have anything to do with rising. kneading just develops the gluten.

  11. 1) If the yeast has gone bad ,due to being stored in too warm of a place, being exposed to too much humidity, and/or just being out of date, than that can cause the bread not to rise.  

    2) Having the water too warm and not the right temperature, or even too cold can do the same thing.

    3) Not kneading it enough, or even overkneeding it.

    4) Not kneading it properly.

    5) If the temputure of the storage area is too warm it will just sit also.

    There are many factors that can cause bread not to rise, just as if you aren't careful it will over rise.  All you can do is go thru EVERY possibility, and try again.  Even after making bread by hand for nearly six years and on a daily basis you learn that it happens even after you get used to it.

    Oh, and 6)  Not adding salt.  I've done that one too.

  12. make sure it stays warm, it wont rise properly unless its warm. and did you let the yeast sit long enough in the water prior to adding your dry ingredients (blooming)?

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