
My breath smells Please help!?

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Omg me breathe smells like my teeth have shitted in my mouth...this is the only way i can describe it....its really embarrasing. Please someone help me...I've tried chewing gum...everything there is. Please I am being serious and only serious answers please.!




  1. Drink water. Water gets rid of bad breath.

  2. Here you go:

    I really hope this helps! Best of luck!

  3. it may be from your tongue, so use those tongue scrapers.

  4. If your halitosis is really bothering you, make sure to drink water regularly as it helps to alleviate the problem. You can also rinse your mouth with a mouth rinse like Listerine or Scope, as they help in sterilization and are extremely efficient in getting rid of bacteria that causes bad breath. However, even if your breath problems persist, it would be wise to book an appointment with your dentist and get a professional opinion.

  5. check your diet, your stomach also affects your breath.

  6. You probablky have a stomach ailment.  Chew parsley, and see a doctor.  In addition, you may have some bad teeth or a gum infection.  So see a dentist.

  7. l.o.l haahhahahah you just made my day

    when u said "it smells like my teeth have shitted in my mouth"

    maybe you have a dead tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    yeah i hate when there's a hot girl that i'm trying to talk to but her breath stinks like sewage L.O.L big turn off!

  8. Hey!!

    This reason always occurs because you have something wrong with your guts and ususally comes down to yours diet. Try eatign really helps!!

    Hope this helps!!..x

  9. Chewing gum can actually make your breath smell worst. i suggest mints, or mouth wash, i think listerine works best and most dentists recommend them. good luck with your breath.

  10. heh see the dentist  

  11. Get a glass of warm water and add 2 pinch of salt, stir are gargle your mouth with it. This will help fighting away bad breath and also cleans your mouth.

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