My wedding is supposed to be this Saturday. One of my bridesmaid, whose wedding I was in two weeks ago, sent me a text message yesterday to say she couldn't make it because she pulled a muscle and is exhusted.
I was annoyed, but told her fine that I needed her to mail me the dress so I can get it altered to fit my cousin. However, she wants me to send her $150.00 Western Union to cover the shipping fees, plus she wants to know if my cousin will reimburse her for the price of the dress.
I don't think that's right because I paid $130 for my bridesmaid dress for her wedding, $500 to fly there, $100 to stay in a hotel (i was supposed to stay with her family, but she cancelled at the last minute saying there was no space), $50.00 to buy formal wear for her wedding rehearsal (which she told me I needed. it turned out to be a waste because when we got there NO ONE except me and her were dressed up).
I called her, but she won't pick up the phone. Last night I texted her saying I couldn't afford to give her the $150. She didn't respond. So this morning I texted her again this morning trying to appeal to her human side saying please don't s***w me over like this, I will get the money to you, etc. No response.