
My bright ADHD son is a h.s. jr and hasn't had good grades til now. Where should he apply for college?

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My bright ADHD son is a h.s. jr and hasn't had good grades til now. Where should he apply for college?




  1. I always say. It doesn't matter how smart you are start at community college. You learn so much about being an adult and classes with out being so far from home PLUS it will save you thousands on school.

  2. Generally, state colleges will over look some problems with grades if the ACT/SAT scores are good.  Start there.  If he still can't get accepted, have him spend one year at the community college; if he works hard and gets good grades he'll be accepted for a transfer next year.

  3. Community Colleges will typically accept most people.  Start there, he could then transfer.  But he may have more options than you think.

  4. I'm not sure which school it is, but they have a special program for kids with learning disabilities, ADHD, etc:  Boston University or Boston College.

    They give a lot of individual attention.

    Good luck

  5. I would start at a local college than transfer later.

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