
My bro blew me off on my bday??

by  |  earlier

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it is my bday 2day and it is my bros friends bday he blew our plans off to hang out i am crushed but i dont want to tell him cuz hed call me a baby and leave anyway what should i do??




  1. family comes first.and if your bro gunna choose friends over his own flesh and blood,dont need him.dont hang around him.ya might live in the same house hold,but dont talk to him.a real brotha wouldnt do that.and tell him you are the worst brother and if you dont wanna treat me like im your brother then whatever.....end of story..

  2. get a new brother.

    I know you cant do that but i would just let it go and dont make any more plans with him and if HE makes the plans blow his off.

  3. what a butt tell him and make him feel horrible ... who cares what he calls you

  4. He is really sad if he care's more about someone else's b-day rather then his bro's , you should tell him that your crushed and if he says your a baby , well at least you had the guts and bravery to tell him. Good Luck x

  5. I know it's hurtful when people blow off plans, h**l knows, we've all been there.

    Your brother may be unwilling to hang out with you, but then it's okay, becuase he's the one that missed out on being there, and not only has he chose friends over blood, but he's lost the respect and love of a brother, a bond with will always be there.


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