
My bro is driving me insane. help?

by Guest45210  |  earlier

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im 19 n my bro is 22. whenever i cuss my bro says "WHAT DID YOU SAY" and also when i drive with him i usually have the radio turned up but he turns it completely off. i like to drive fast n my bro gets pissy at me n says stuff like "Rick, im gonna record wut ur doing n show dad" im like WTF cuz im jus having fun. my bro is acting like my parent or w/e and its really getting on my nerves. is this normal for an older sibling to do this?




  1. he wants a kid lol. jk

    uhmmm he seems very protective. you need to teach him how to have fun and tell him not to take life so seriously

    i hate boring people haha

  2. they only do it to protect you.

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