
My bro is having dreams bout a friend of ours who killed himself 4 yrs ago and my bro is acting really strange

by  |  earlier

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i need help to help him im worried.




  1. tell him he is ok and hug him then he will smile and be like thank you sister i feel so much better !!!

  2. Keep a close eye on him if you say he is acting strange. There might be some kind of depression he is dealing with.

  3. It means that it has been weighing on his mind a lot lately maybe it is nearing a special time of year for them.  I have these dreams once a year about a bad memory and it always happens in late may early June.  It makes me impersonalized to others and not very talkative at all.  I just have to get over it.  I thought that for sometime, then I opened up about it for the first time in many years to a beautiful soul of a person and it really helped me.  I used to not want to talk about it because I can still smell all the smells from that time, hear all the sounds, feel the same emotions all over again, it still hurts but after I talked about it to her I felt a little easier about it.  I wish I had opened up sooner it could have made a large difference in where I would be right now.

  4. the best advice anyone can give you is to talk to him... let him no youre worried- and just ask him to open up and get it off his chest... the dreams are problem very upsetting to him, and he probably just cant get it out of his head.. so talk to him.

  5. Get more Information about this dream and post another this question again with more details and I will interpert it for you

  6. Perhaps you can pray with your brother before he goes to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect him and to cleanse his dreams. It is also possible that the spirit of suicide that was in your friend could be hanging around your brother so in addition after you have prayed for him I suggest that you command that spirit of suicide and grief to leave your brother alone in the name of Jesus Christ. You also need to comfort him through this as much as possible. Take care!!!

  7. Sometimes the dead come back in our dreams to bring comfort to the dreamer especially if they were close friends.  On the other hand, a suicide also means that his soul may not be at peace and he maybe appearing in your brother's dreams as a way to find solace and peace.  I recommend that you light a white candle every day for several hours and say a prayer for his soul to find the peace it needs.   Do this for at least one month; and ask your brother to imagine that he has a "force field" around himself, this will protect his aura, his energy, and lessen any "strange" behavior that the dream of this troubled soul may be exerting on your brother.  Also, burn incense to clean the house where your brother lives, and if possible, find some crystals for added protection, quartz, fluorite, or any stone that your brother may feel attracted to; minerals have vibrations and their energy protects us.

  8. you didnt give any info of how hes acting strange and what his dreams are about. but i would just tell him all the fun times he had with the person and that they are waiting for him up in heaven.

  9. When we dream of a person in our lives that has moved on, weather that means just out of the relationship or to the other side, it often brings up emotions we subdue. I often dream of a friend that died last year and it always leaves me shaken and acting strange. I dont doubt that he could be feeling guilt (we always say we could have done more even if we couldn't) or missing your friend. Its hard to say.  Talk to him though. Let him know your concerned.

  10. We need more information before we can really help.

    My guess is that he is just mourning again. It should pass, just show your support.

  11. try and talk to him...his bad memories are being brought back up by dreams and its probably traumatizing him...try talking to him and try to spend as much time with him as possible so he doesnt do anything to hurt himself...i would talk to a counciler and try to get him the help he needs from a professional. good luck and i hope your brother is ok.

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