
My bro. is struggling with dreamsthat is turning him away from god?

by  |  earlier

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my borther has had dreams and is trying to be a mutant,

it might sound silly but he has atism.

i woried for him because he has been looking up witch craft on the computer for theys thing.

he hasn't told me much of his dreams ether




  1. Your brother will have to find his own path,  trust that as he grows, he will find his place, and be who he is meant to be.  Some folks have to go through the darkness to find the light.  Also, if his autism is very pronounced, he may feel he is already "a mutant", and is merely trying to come to terms with his differences and find a place to fit in and express himself.  I did find many of my answers in a similar fashion...and I am not a sideshow or a fake.  God has many facets and many forms, and remember...all roads lead home.

  2. Contact the folks at 1-800-232-6459 during business hours, M-F, ask for Counseling dept., tell your concerns.  They have lists of local resources and trusted counselors in your area.

    "The way to your brother's heart" may be through a Christian/Godly counselor helping him with his autism.

    When you pray to God for help, it is always correct to "let go and let God," i.e., leave the prayer request in God's timing and justice (as opposed to trying to force something).

    Steady prayer, fervent, long-term, is efficacious.

    Thank goodness your brother has a caring sibling like you.

  3. try praying to god that he wont turn away from god

  4. This doesn't sound like a question. But I think you should just let him do what he does, if he doesn't accept God it is his choice.

  5. take him 2 church as oftn as possible.

    preach 2 him

  6. go to the doctor you need a medical miracle

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