
My broken Dragon deck?

by  |  earlier

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When i play with my friends, i win 90% of the duels, but yesterday i went to a tournament i found out my deck was actually a piece of p**p. Can someone help me fix it or give some pointer.Maybe tell me some substitutions for cards used in my deck.What to take out and what to put in.

My deck:


3 Luster Dragons

3 Armed dragon Lv 5

2 Armed dragon Lv 3

1 White horned dragon

1 Snipe Hunter

2 Masked dragon

1 Penguin Soldier

1 Morphing Jar

1 Chthonian Emperor Dragon

1 Man-eater bug

1 Mirage Dragon

1 Twin-head Behemoth

1 Grand mole

1 Exiled Force

1 D.D Warrior


1 Soul exchange

2 Enemy Controller

1 MSt

1 Heavy strom

1 Monster reborn

1 Premature B.

1 Smashing ground

1 Nobleman

1 Swords or r.l

1 Lighting vortex

1 Brain Control


2 seven tools

3 Sakuretsu

1 Negate Atk

1 bottomless

1 Torrential

1 Dragon's rage







    2 Horus Lv 4

    3 Horus Lv 6

    2 Horus Lv 8

    3 Prime Material Dragon

    2 Jinzo

    3 Mirage Dragon

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Grand Mole

    1 Twin-Headed Behemoth

    1 D.D. Warrior Lady


    2 Level Up!

    2 Book Of Moon

    2 Soul Exchange

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Brain Control

    1 M.S.T.

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial


    2 Phenix Wing Wind Blast

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 Mind Crush

    Try making a deck based around dragon synchros When they Come out.

  2. i guess you wanna keep the dragon theme but i dont think armed dragons are very good this format ... ill give you some pointers for a different set of main dragons

    i suggest you take out the armed dragons, masked dragons, chthonian emporer dragon, man eater bug, DD warrior, smashing ground, both seven tools, all sakuretsu, negate attack

    add in

    2x white horned dragon

    3x prime material dragon

    2x mirage dragon

    1x DD warrior lady

    1x soul exchange

    1x bottomless trap hole

    2x threatening roar

    1x mirror force (or another threatening roar)

    1x ryko lightsworn hunter

    1x mask of darkness

    admittedly i would build the deck differently (basing it more on special summoning with cyber dragons and spell strikers for the tributes) ... if you want more help or another way to build it then just send me an e-mail

    hope this helps

  3. I would throw in another white horned, get a armed dragon lv7, and maybe a blowback dragon(for it's effect.)

  4. all i would say is get armed dragon lvl 7 the rest is really gud but it depends how u play the game and how gud ure draw is
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