
My brother's wife threatened to lie to the police about domestic violence. what can he do?

by  |  earlier

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she filed for divorce, because he's been sick for a long time. then she wanted him to leave the home. he wouldn't , so she threatened to " tell the police anything i have to, to get you out." anything he can do about this blackmail?




  1. not much be there for him and pray. When it comes to the court it will be his word against hers.  You might get people to testify and prove that he is a non-violent person, but that's about it.

  2. tell him to try to tape her saying it then if she does call the police show them the tape

  3. beat her up. n then lie to cops that i didnt do it lol

  4. Kind of cheesy, but if she says it repeatedly, then have him tape record her lying like that.  And she'll have to prove the abuse, I'm pretty sure the days are gone where her word will be enough.  But I imagine a good lawyer will be needed.

  5. Your bro needs to pack up and get out of Dodge.

  6. I would be leaving the problem, or stop provoking the problem !

  7. Hey if someone does not want you there. Leave. .Duh. Who cares about lies if they are lies. The truth will set you free. This happened to my brother and she was actually the abuser and has the kids. He has hired a lawyer moved out and has visitation . hopefully someday men can tell the truth and somebody will believe them. Do whats right in spite.

  8. He can move out now. If she lies about domestic violence there's not much he can do, the cops & court are going to believe her.

  9. Yes. Go to the police and tell the story. Have them file an official report before she does this. That way, if she tries this, she is in big trouble.

  10. back support from other close individuals to rule out her testimony... iunno really.

  11. Well, she would literally have to beat herself up.  The police will call her bluff if there are no bruises, cuts or other markings on her body.

    Why doesn't he just move out and get away from her?

  12. You can call the police and tell them she is blackmailing him so when she does make a report they will look into it, and find that she is a liar.  Because unfortunately, when a women files a report of abuse they tend to take her side and she probably will not have to leave the home.

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