
My brother accidentally shot a squirrel. Please help!?

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My brother was out with the bb gun, and was shooting. There happened to be a squirrel up where he was shooting, and it fell about a story or so on it's back. Now, it's gone limp. We can pick it up, but it's kicking around like crazy, and can't find its bearings. We're thinking it's dieing, or may have brain damage. Should we just kill it to put it out of its misery, or just wait and see if it gets better again....that's probably unlikely. I need some advice!




  1. put it out of its misery

  2. O_O Poor squirrel.  :(

  3. Um, put it out of it's misery, but be humane about it.  

  4. put it out of its misery just shoot it again

  5. You should go to vet.

  6. You should kill it if it cant really move much - as if you let it go, something else is only going to get it and it would probably be much more painful that way. All those saying to take it to a vets - why?! It is wild animal and if it is unlikely to get better then why waste money on a vet putting it to sleep when you could do the same thing much faster so that the squirrel doesnt have more pain.

    I dont agree with BB guns at all considering the amount of damage they can cause.

  7. How sickening.   The poor thing had no idea this would be it's fate.   Happily scurrying from limb to limb, happy as could be....and then to be shot for absolutely no reason.    

  8. grosss;...

  9. No veterinary surgeon nearby?

  10. finish it, put out of misery. the best way.

  11. end it's suffering. also it can have rabies so watch outt

  12. Ok so, keep him a while,im only talking a couple of hours, its not fair to keep him alive if hes in pain, in a warm place,  and see if theres an improvement, and if there is no change, please dont kill him yourself, take it to a proper veterinary service, and let them do it a humane way.

    Now for my second point, please  watch your bro next time when using the bb gun, im not being rude, im just saying it could have been more serious.

    Good luck, and i hop he gets better.

  13. Watch it for a while, see what happens.  Otherwise, finish it off with another killing shot.  Or, be dumb, and go to the animal shelter and dump it there, who will probably kill it anyways.

    Or else - DINNER TIME.

  14. where did it get shot? if it got shot in like it's arm or something it might live. try feeding it but be careful, it could have rabies.

    if it refuses to eat, i think you should just kill it. take the gun and put it out of it's misery.

    next time watch where your shooting

  15. Either leave it, put it out of it's misery, or take it to a local wildlife rehab.

  16. i feel bad saying this but i think you should just put him out of his misery... thats sooooo sad!!

  17. Just leave it alone. If it dies, it dies. If it lives, it lives.

  18. Kill it...then talk to your brother...'squirrel happened to be where he shot' my ***.  No, but put it out of it's misery, it's dead. Whip it at a wall, s'what I have to do with mice that get fatalty wounded.

  19. its okay. its just a squrell. alot of people run over it with their car by accident. just watch the squirel carefully and leave it alone. later on...bury it,

  20. omg don't kill it that is the worst thing that i have ever heard..... do you know any one that is a vet? Well i would probably call in to a vets office and ask them for advice.............

  21. Just kill it

    Just think "poor thing is in pain" and of course it is

  22. Please put it out of it's misery. That is torture to watch it die in so much horrible pain. Have some heart.


  24. Oh dear poor squirrel.

    It seems like its in a lot of pain so maybe you should just put it out of its misery :(

    Its not really a animal you take to the vet

    Although cute squirrels are quite dirty and could spread infection so i say just kindly kill it .

    Good luck

  25. put it out its misery

  26. the decent thing to do would to shoot it in the head to put it out of its misery. Would make a nice stew too.

  27. Kids with BB guns are dangerous, for this very reason, and for the fact he can put out a person's eye!  Take the poor animal to a vet or animal emergency clinic.  Shame on you two.

  28. Get a stick and try to roll it over on its stomach, if it still doesn't move put it out of its misery.

  29. Call the humane society and see if they can recommend anything to do for the squirrel.

    Then, take your brother's BB gun and throw it in the trash where it belongs. There should be NO toy guns, because guns are NOT toys.

  30. Your brother doesnt just go outside and "accidentally" shoot a squirrel with his bb gun. just put the squirrel somewhere and leave it. its an animal. its not like humans. it knows what to do and when to do it. trust me.  

  31. I think its probably already dead, its just twitching. you should do what we do down here in the south, quarter and have it for dinner.

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